During E3, Final Fantasy XV director, Hajime Tabata, spoke to Kotaku about the new announcements of the PS4K and the Xbox Scorpio, saying that he would be interested in bringing the long-awaited RPG to the more powerful console machines.
Right before E3, Sony decided to announce that the PlayStation 4K is development but it would not be shown off at the show, stating that it is still ways off from its release. Recent rumors have surfaced again, though, stating that the console upgrade is slated to release sometime later this year.
On the other side of the spectrum, up until the announcement of the Xbox Scorpio, Tabata had no idea that a new Xbox console was on the way, but after hearing the specs of the hardware he said that it has “quite a lot of potential.”
“It’d be really great though if we could have Final Fantasy XV something we can play on the current-generation Xbox One and PS4, also give them that choice that when the new, stronger generation hardware comes out, to have them play at that level as well,” he said. “I’d really like to be able to give them that.”
It looks like Tabata is looking into bringing Final Fantasy XV to the next wave of consoles, giving players the ability to play the game wherever they please. In fact, he once again teased the possibility of the game making its way to PC, however, he said he would like to finish the console versions before saying anything concrete on the matter.
“We are thinking about a PC version. But until we’ve got the console versions finished, we really aren’t gonna think any more about that,” he explained. “That really is our top priority and one thing we’re not gonna bend on is getting those console versions finished on time… We don’t want to be making excuses. We don’t want to be having regrets. We want to get these out and done in time.”
Final Fantasy XV is set to release this fall on Sept. 30 for PS4 and Xbox One.
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Published: Jun 20, 2016 05:31 pm