One of the best ways to level up quickly in Modern Warfare 3’s multiplayer is to use the Double XP tokens that you can earn from various missions throughout the campaign or zombies modes. They’re a huge help for getting through the battle pass, so here’s how to use Double XP tokens in MW3.
How to Activate Double XP Tokens in Modern Warfare 3

In order to use a Double XP token, from the main multiplayer menu, click in L3 on your controller. You can see the little icon for the button bouncing underneath the widget that shows you your challenges on the left-hand side of the screen. From there you’ll be able to see what different tokens you have that are available to use.
The screen will be broken down into three parallel columns: Rank, Weapon and Battle Pass. Under each of those columns will be a grid of the different tokens that you have, in different increments of time. You can get Double XP tokens for each category of XP that’ll last for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and an hour.
Each category of Double XP token will only affect the experience you gain for that particular category, so if you use a double weapon XP token, it won’t have any extra effect on your overall level progress or your progress in the Battle Pass.
Best Way to Use Double XP Tokens

If you’re looking to make the most out of your Double XP tokens, the main things to do are to make sure that you’re using them in conjunction with the game modes you choose to play and with how long you’re going to be playing for. If you’re only thinking of playing one or two rounds, then it makes sense to just use a 15 minute token instead of using an hour token and wasting 45 minutes of potential double XP.
Make sure you’re going to be getting the most out of that double XP while you can and choose your game modes carefully. You’re already set to be getting some pretty solid XP from objective game modes or Kill Confirmed, so if you’re going to be using a token to double your XP, you should use them before those matches. It’ll be much more useful there than in a game of free-for-all.
That’s about it as to how you use Double XP tokens in Modern Warfare 3. They’re a brilliant way to level up quickly if you know how to use them, so don’t just save them for a rainy day. If you want to check out more guides like how to turn off dive or what the week 1 challenges will be, check back here.
Published: Nov 10, 2023 01:20 am