The chaotic party racing game, Runbow, that was popular on the Wii U, will be making its way to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 next month, with all its DLC included.
The game, which developer 13AM Games says, “features an eye-catching color mechanic that has racers brawl amongst each other while objects and platforms appear or disappear based on the continually changing background color,” will release digitally for the two consoles on April 24.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can pick up the physical ‘Deluxe Edition’ version from June 14, which will come with all the game’s DLC and some other goodies that are to be announced sometime soon.
As well as a host of single player content, you’ll have the most fun with Runbow in its variety of multiplayer modes. All of them can be played by up to nine players simultaneously online, while eight players can pay locally on Nintendo Switch, with just four being able to play at once on PlayStation 4. You can even play as some well known guest characters, in addition to the originals, such as famous faces from Guacamelee!, Shovel Knight, and Steamworld Dig.
Runbow will be available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 from April 24.
Published: Mar 14, 2018 11:19 am