We’re now well into the Season of Rising Heroes in Pokemon GO and it’s starting to look like Professor Willow’s lab let a few Pokemon get out. Giovanni is also going to be getting a brand-new shadow Pokemon for trainers to free from the grips of evil later on in March.
First, the new event coming to Pokemon GO is going to focus on Professor Willow, which means the Meltan Mystery Box will be usable more often during the event. On top of that, the Meltan that spawn will be more likely to be XXS, XXL, and possibly shiny.
Additionally, players will be able to find Pansear, Pansage, and Panpour anywhere in the world with a chance of encountering a shiny version. Also, be on the lookout for Ditto since it’ll be changing into different wild Pokemon. The list below details which Pokemon may be Ditto.
- Diglett
- Grimer
- Snubbull
- Corphish
- Starly
- Roggenrolla
- Tympole
- Litleo
Each of the Pokemon listed above will also be appearing more often in the wild along with the three elemental monkeys. Rare spawns during this event include Trubbish, Galarian Stunfisk, and Goomy.
As a part of the event, there will be a Collection Challenge that rewards trainers with a Meltan encounter and 5000 XP. Unrelated to the event, there will be a seasonal Special Research focused on spending time helping out Professor Willow with whatever tasks he gives you. The Let’s GO event focusing on Professor Willow begins Mar. 21 at 10 AM local time and ends the following week on Mar. 29 at 8 PM local time.

The second part of Niantic’s announcements today revealed that Regice will be joining Giovanni in the next Team GO Rocket Takeover. Once you get to the end of an upcoming GO Rocket Special Research beat the leader of Team GO Rocket, it’ll be possible to catch Shadow Regice.
New Shadow Pokemon will also be added to Grunts and Leaders. Alolan Grimer, Phanpy, Treecko, Torchic, and Drifloon will all be getting shadow forms during the next GO Rocket Takeover.
Log into the game any time between Mar. 25 at 10 AM local time and June 1 at 10 AM local time to unlock this Special Research and get a chance to catch Shadow Regice.
Published: Mar 14, 2023 06:00 pm