Today Square Enix hosted a livestream dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the Million Arthur franchise, which begun with Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur in 2012. At the end of the broadcast, Producer Hiroaki Iwano had personal news to share.
Iwano-san mentioned that he is quitting Square Enix and his position as producer of the Million Arthur franchise, even if his departure won’t affect ongoing projects. He is looking to seek new challenges elsewhere, even if he did not mention where.
Iwano-san is a veteran at Square Enix, having worked on Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, the Chaos Rings series, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles – My Life as a Darklord, and Star Ocean: First Departure.
At the moment we don’t know where he will go next, and he is likely to announce it down the line as soon as the move is finalized.
We also don’t have any information on whether his departure is in any way linked to the restructuring of the publisher’s business divisions into development units, but that’s likely unrelated as it probably affected the executive level more than producers.
The latest game of the franchise is Million Arthur: Arcana Blood, which will be released in English for PC via Steam this summer.
Published: Apr 6, 2019 04:44 pm