Want to learn how to heal in Wuthering Waves? There are a few different ways to go about it, both while in combat and outside of it, some even free. We detailed them all just below, so scroll down, and let’s get started, shall we?
How to Heal For Free in Wuthering Waves

To fully heal your party for free in Wuthering Waves, you simply need to fast travel using a Resonance Nexus. If you’re wondering whether Resonance Beacons will heal you, too, the answer is no, unfortunately. An alternative is to enter an instance, but that is just too roundabout.
Other Ways to Heal in Wuthering Waves
Healing Resonators

If you’re in combat, you will have no access to fast travel. So, the next best thing is to use a healer resonator in your team, and always having one can make your Wuthering Waves gameplay much more enjoyable. Currently, the resonators that fill that role the best are Verina and Baizhi.
Boost Healing With Echoes

To boost your resonator’s healing, you can equip them with echoes that have the Rejuvenating Glow Sonata Effect. You’ll need to have at least two equipped for the +10% healing bonus to take effect. It doesn’t seem like much, but considering how few healing % bonuses there are in the game, it’s not that bad.

Finally, you can also use consumables for healing. You can craft them via synthesis, or you can cook them using cooking stations. Healing with consumables should be your last resort, though, as ATK and other attribute-increasing consumables provide much more value in combat. Instead, it’s better to just use a healer.
That covers everything you should know about healing in Wuthering Waves. For more helpful WuWa guides just like this one, including how to get intimacy and how to parry, be sure to bookmark the Wuthering Waves hub on Twinfinite.
Published: May 24, 2024 07:45 am