LoLdle is the ultimate test of League of Legends trivia knowledge. However, sometimes you’ll have to guess a champion quote or an ability you’ve never heard or seen before. So, we prepared a lifeline for you. Here are today’s LoLdle answers for every game mode.
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LoLdle Answers for Today
- Classic: Aphelios
- Quote: Yuumi
- Ability: Warwick (P)
- Emoji: Nocturne
- Splash: Karma (Sun Goddess Karma)
Related Article: Hardest League of Legends Trivia Quiz You Will Ever Take
Previous LoLdle Answers
- September 14: Volibear, Vel’Koz, Skarner (P), Olaf, Rek’Sai (Blackfrost Rek’Sai)
- September 13: Dr. Mundo, Taliyah, Master Yi (Q), Yorick, Ryze (Tribal Ryze)
- September 12: Sett, Aurelion Sol, Taric (Q), Graves, Orianna (Dark Star Orianna)
- September 11: Neeko, Garen, Gragas (W), Poppy, Zilean (Old Saint Zilean)
- September 10: Singed, Samira, Kindred (P), Ezreal, LeBlanc (Default LeBlanc)
- September 9: Draven, Xerath, Jayce (P), Elise, Naafiri (Soul Fighter Naafiri)
- September 8: Zeri, Urgot, Ornn (P), Yasuo, Jhin (High Noon Jhin)
- September 7: Talon, Veigar, Annie (Q), Tryndamere, Master Yi (PROJECT: Yi)
- September 6: Ziggs, Lucian, Viktor (W), Evelynn, Skarner (Sandscourge Skarner)
- September 5: Trundle, Lulu, Maokai (W), Xerath, Fizz (Little Devil Fizz)
- September 4: Lissandra, Varus, Braum (Q), Syndra, Gangplank (Captain Gangplank)
- September 3: Shen, Ashe, Pyke (W), Miss Fortune, Shyvana (Ruined Shyvana)
- September 2: Ekko, Vladimir, Kalista (P), Nunu & Willump, Gnar (Gentleman Gnar)
- September 1: Nami, Irelia, Jax (P), Fiora, Zoe (Star Guardian Zoe)
What is LoLdle?
LoLdle is a League of Legends-themed quiz game inspired by Wordle where you have to guess answers in five different categories, which are:
- Classic – Guess a champion (you get hints about their gender, release date, affiliation, etc.)
- Quote – Guess a champion based on their in-game quote.
- Ability – Guess an ability based on its UI icon and which ability it is (P, Q, W, E, R).
- Emoji – Guess a champion based on a couple of emojis that describe it.
- Splash – Guess a champion and their skin based on the splash art.
That wraps it for today’s LoLdle puzzles and answers. If you liked this guide and want to learn more about League of Legends or some other game, check out the rest of Twinfinite. Also, we added links to related articles just below for your convenience, so do check them out.
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Published: Sep 15, 2024 05:43 am