In Palworld, there are a variety of different monsters that can be used to build your team, assist you with Partner Skills, or perform tasks around your Base to make your day-to-day life much easier.
Among these monsters is Incineram, a fiery fark bovidae with an intimidating presence, but some very useful assets to provide. If you’re looking for an Incineram to add to your collection or team, we’ve got all the information you’ll need to do so, so follow along below.
Palworld – Where to Find & Catch Incineram
In Palworld, Incineram is a Dark and Fire Dual-Type Pal who can make a huge asset to your team or Base, due to the utility it brings to the table. incinerate has Level 1 Skills in Kindling and Mining, and Level 2 Skills in Handiwork and Transporting, which means it can help out with a very solid variety of tasks around your Base, ensuring day-to-day productivity is strong while you’re out and about adventuring.

If you’re looking to set out and hunt down an Incineram in Palworld, you’ll need to head to a specific side of the world map, as their habitats are thoroughly spread out towards the bottom left side of the world. For the exact locations in which Incineram can be round, feel free to refer to the map screenshot below, where Incineram’s habitat is indicated with orange markings.

Incineram seems to make its home throughout a very thorough set of terrain throughout this section of the map, so if you explore this area thoroughly, you should have no struggles encountering one of these Pals. In addition to this, Incineram has the same habitat throughout both day and night, meaning your search won’t be restricted to certain hours in-game.
That’s everything you need to know about where to find and catch incineram in Palworld. For more helpful gameplay guides, check out the rest of our content here at Twinfinite. We have a variety of topics that can assist you on your Palworld adventures, such as how to get Leezpunk, or all alternate Pal Types, explained.
Published: Jan 25, 2024 10:14 PM UTC