Farther south of the Hogwarts Legacy map, you’ll discover regions packed with high-leveled enemies, dangerous quests, and valuable items. Upon completion, players can improve their character’s performance with powerful upgrades, as well as decorate the Room of Requirement to their liking with Conjuring spells. So, if you are on the hunt for some hidden gems, we’ll show you how to find all Marunweem Lake Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Find All Marunweem Lake Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy
To prepare for your treacherous journey across the Marunweem Lake, you must at least be at Level 20 or higher due to the rank of the surrounding adversaries. Players should also acquire the second upgrade of Alohomora from the Man Behind the Moons questline since they’ll need it to unlock a few doors. Once those requirements are settled, you can use the Floo Flame fast-travel, broom, or mount to get around quicker.
It’s recommended to search around settlements within the Marunweem Lake, such as Bandit Camps, villages, and caverns. Additionally, witches or wizards can utilize the handy minimap to discover Collection Chest icons and cast Revelio to pinpoint its location.
Coastal Mine Small Bandit Camp Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location

One of the first Collection Chests of Marunweem Lake is in an enemy base near the Coastal Mine Floo Flame.

The Coastal Mine Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location

Players can find two chests in the Coastal Mine, but they must first enter a tunnel to locate the main doorway. As you progress further, you must go up a set of stairs near a brewing station, which will have a bunch of opponents scattered throughout the area.

Then, players must keep going upward until they spot a manhole (use Accio to lift it):

After you go through it, you can obtain a Collection Chest below.

The Coastal Mine Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location 2

Once players grab the first Coastal Mine treasure, they can return to the initial destination and go downward using Accio on the platforms. Eventually, you can take a mine cart to reach the following chest, in which you must use Accio again on a handle to unlock the entryway to the reward.

Coastal Mine Small Bandit Camp Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location 2

You can spot a Small Bandit Camp with a reward below the Coastal Mine Floo Flame near one of the Ancient Magic Hotspots. After players defeat the enemies (if they haven’t already), they can open a chest inside a tent.

Medium Bandit Camp Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location

To enter the Medium Bandit Camp, you must go through a specific pathway and clear out any debris blocking your way. Like previous Collection Chest locations, players can acquire a treasure inside a tent.

Tower Tunnel Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location

When you enter the Tower Tunnel, you must get rid of the rock blockage with a Force spell, then take a left.

Afterward, you must eliminate the spiderweb with a pyro ability to claim the next item.

Tower Tunnel Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location 2

Fortunately, the following chest isn’t too far away from the first Tower Tunnel destination, and you can follow the primary pathway to discover it behind another spiderweb.
Small Bandit Camp Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location

You must take down any nearby Poachers to reach a Hogwarts Legacy Collection Chest within a small enemy base.

Marunweem Hamlet Collection Chest Location

At the Marunweem Floo Flame, players can spot a chest within one of the houses.

Marunweem Hamlet Collection Chest Location 2

The Collection Chest is inside another Marunweem Hamlet house (in front of Floo Flame), next to a bed.

Marunweem Hamlet Collection Chest Location 3

Players can search for an item when they enter the main Marunweem hamlet hub, near a couch and table with snacks.

Marunweem Hamlet Collection Chest Location 4

You can look up from the central Marunweem house to reveal a stone structure with a chest on the ground (next to shelves filled with bottles).

Marunweem Hamlet Collection Chests Location 5

The last two items of the Marunweem hamlet are inside a house on a top of a hill, where players must cast Alohomora Level 2 to unlock the door.
Small Bandit Camp Marunweem Lake Collection Chest Location 2

To the right of the Marunweem hamlet, you can locate a Small Bandit Camp with the final Collection Chest. Those who have learned Alohomora Level 3 can also get a locked Glacius block, which can be used to open the Treasure Vault entrance further up the pathway.

If you want to find more treasures, you can check out our guides for the following areas:
Players can take advantage of any rewards by equipping traits to their gear or completing the Conjuration collection in the menu, providing you with various items for the Room of Requirement and Vivarium.
That does it for our guide on all the Marunweem Lake Collection Chest locations in Hogwarts Legacy. For more content, be sure to explore the relevant links below.
Published: Mar 5, 2023 07:45 pm