In addition to the random nature of things, the creatures in Risk of Rain Return will pose the biggest threats to players’ survival in the roguelike. Making a mistake can lead to fatal consequences, even when faced with the more commonly seen foes.
However, when it comes to the bosses, the stakes and dangers are much higher. For players who are having trouble with a certain lave tortoise, here’s a useful guide on how to beat the Cremator in Risk of Rain Returns.
Beating the Cremator in Risk of Rain Returns

The boss that governs the area known as the Magma Barracks in Risk of Rain Returns, the Cremator is a fearsome foe to contend with. Its ability to deploy several bombs at once can make it hard to avoid damage while en route to the boss, and the random spawning location of the Cremator can make it unnecessarily hard to locate it in the first place.
Once you are facing off against the boss proper, the lava and the platforms in the arena become more obstacles to overcome if you hope to come out on top. This is particularly troublesome for melee characters, so you will need all the help you can get.
To have the best shot of winning, follow these tips:
- As The Cremator’s bomb attacks have unlimited range and can hit anywhere on the level, constant movement is vital to keep you alive. Watch out for the flashes that indicate target areas, and move in the opposite direction to keep yourself safe.
- Having additional drones for the fight is also a huge plus, so be sure to explore fully the other areas before the Magma Barracks.
- Follow the red arrow that appears on the screen to find your way to the boss, be it in the lava pit in the bottom left, bottom right, or upper left.
- Clear out any mobs that are nearby to give you more of a chance to focus on the real target.

- With The Cremator in your sights, the real fight begins. Always keep on the move, and when the boss uses its charge, climb the chains to avoid the attack. During the fight, be sure to avoid being directly above it when it fires its projectiles.
- Keep attacking its head whenever possible and repeat the process. Move around, use the chains, and avoid projectiles. With some luck, you will bring it down.
And that’s everything to know about how to beat the Cremator in Risk of Rain Returns. Be sure to check out all of our other guides for the game for more help, such as how to get the Umbrella and how to find Boar Beach.
Published: Nov 15, 2023 12:51 am