Today Sony Corporation released a rather charming trailer featuring its philosophy titled “Sony’s Purpose.” Unsurprisingly, PlayStation is front and center.
Not only the console is showcased, but also its biggest games. This includes Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding at the very beginning, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and Concrete Genie.
It’s actually quite interesting to see that the first game showcased is essentially second-party.
We also take a look at the PlayStation Store among the many services offered by the electronics giant.
It’s once more a testament of how relevant has the gaming business become for Sony as a whole. Over the past few years, it has turned from a redheaded stepchild taking a back seat to movies and electronics, into a pivot of the company’s profitability.
Interestingly, we also get a glimpse at Sony’s history all the way back to its beginning, which is certainly interesting for those who aren’t familiar with the Japanese corporation’s earliest humble beginnings.
It’ll be interesting to see how the idea expressed in this trailer will extend into the next generation of consoles, of which we have started to hear more as of late.
You can watch the video below, and see if you find it inspiring.
Published: Jun 7, 2019 01:14 am