Are you ready to unlock some of the latest exotic pieces of armor and weaponry in Destiny 2: The Final Shape? This new update brings with it a range of new and amazing weapons and armor including brand-new exotics. You will have chest armor and helmets to all different rifle types to choose from and these newly-released exotics will truly upgrade your gameplay. Find out below how to get Speaker’s Sight Exotic Warlock Helmet in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.
How to Unlock Speaker’s Sight Exotic Warlock Helmet in Destiny 2: The Final Shape
The Final Shape will help you level up your gameplay with brand-new exotic items to add to your arsenal. This update introduces six new Exotic armor pieces including the Speaker’s Sight Exotic Warlock Helmet. The whole collection includes two pieces per class, so if you are not a Warlock player you will still find something you need. It is currently assumed that Guardians will access this exotic by visiting Rahool, the Awoken Cryptarch at the Tower.

An Exotic item is the highest rarity item in Destiny 2. These pieces have perks that give Guardians the chance to combine the features of two Exotic pieces or add extra abilities. With the Speaker’s Sight helmet, the perk offered is The Lost Voice. The Lost Voice adds a feature to your Healing Grenades. Now the grenades spawn a Restorative Turret and healing allies occasionally spawn an Orb of Power.
The Speaker’s Sight Helmet would be best suited to a Solar or Prismatic Warlock. This is particularly true for those who prefer a support and healing position on the Fireteam. The exotic boosts the Healing grenade substantially, giving an ongoing HP buff for the Fireteam.
So that’s it for acquiring and using the Speakers Sight Exotic Warlock Helmet in Destiny 2: The Final Shape! For more Destiny 2: The Final Shape help and tips why not check out when the raid is released or what to expect from The Pale Heart map.
Published: Jun 4, 2024 12:00 pm