Devas of Creation has a few hidden quests with extremely vague descriptions, and the one you’ll encounter towards the end of the In Pursuit of Echoquartz quest line is “Hunt Rokos.” Now, the game doesn’t provide much detail besides that, but we will! Scroll down for a complete explanation of how to find and hunt down Rokos in Devas of Creation.
How to Find Rokos in Devas of Creation

In Devas of Creation, Rokos is a mini-boss April will assign to you to hunt down as part of the In Pursuit of Echoquartz storyline. He is located in the far east part of Umbral Gorge, just outside the wooden palisades surrounding the main camp. You can see that exact place marked on the map above.
To get to the camp, just follow the path uphill from April and stick to the side of the road that leads to Umbral Gorge. You’ll know you’re on the correct path if Clan Defenders and Clan Archers keep popping out of nearby bushes. If you start seeing Trolls, backtrack a bit, as that road leads to Antbound Wilds, which is designated for the next set of quests.

On the road towards the camp, you can bypass a few sections and avoid most of the enemies if you just hug the right side of the mountains. Plus, there is a shortcut right outside the main camp entrance that lets you get straight to Rokos; you can see it in the image above (double jump to bypass the rocks and reach the clearing where Rokos resides).
If you have a mount, you can also bypass all the Clan Defenders and Clan Mages, as they can’t damage and dismount you as you’re running. However, Clan Archers will hit you as soon as you get in their range, so try to avoid them.
How to Hunt Down Rokos in Devas of Creation

Before you start fighting Rokos, you should deal with the Clan Archers, as aggroing them won’t alert Rokos, and they can impede you in the fight. For this, use a ranged weapon like a Bow or an Ice/Fire Staff.
Now, the duel with Rokos is pretty straightforward. He doesn’t have any leap moves, so chunking him from range in the beginning is preferable. Then, in melee, your first parry (perfect block) will proc his unblockable red attack (~20-second cooldown), which you need to dodge. Afterward, just keep parrying and M1 him until he is dead.
After you’ve killed Rokos, loot him and return to April to turn in the quest and get some more EXP. At this point, you might also wonder whether doing April’s repeatable quest, Subdue the Clan Forces, is worth it, and the short answer is no. The mages don’t have many spawn points, and the EXP reward is pretty lame.
Well, all that info should help you find and hunt down Rokos in one of Devas of Creation’s most mysterious quests. Also, be sure to follow Twinfinite for more DoC content, including our race tier list and guide on how to get free spins.
Published: Sep 18, 2024 12:18 pm