The demons are out to play in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, and it is up to you to show them who’s boss and send them crawling back to whichever dark hole they came out of. Having mastery over your favorite weapons, Martial Arts, and Wizardry will go a long way, but if you need more help, this guide on how to beat Aoye in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will give you an additional boost.
Beating Aoye in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
This boss will be the big bad of the mission, In Search of the Immortal Wizard in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. A bull-like demon with extremely long hair, this is one boss fight where it pays to truly pay attention to attack patterns and your windows of opportunity.

It is best to be less aggressive when facing Aoye, and let Hong Jing, your companion, be the distraction. This is because of the wide variety of attacks the boss can unleash at any given time. This includes jumping into the air and smashing down, using its tail as a spinning attack, or using its arms, horns, or hair-like tentacles to attack rapidly. You will also need to look out for Water Phase attacks that can freeze you up, not to mention its Critical Blow when it charges up.

Obviously, timing your deflection is critical in the fight, and only start attacking when Aoye is taking a break from its many attacks. Never be too hasty, and wait for the boss to gear up for a Critical Blow, and make it pay with Fatal Strikes. Keeping out of its immediate range will also make it more likely for Aoye to try a Critical Blow, and as always, Encourage your ally to keep up the pressure if you need a breather.
Now that you are clear on how to defeat Aoye in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, why not get more help from us? Be sure to check out our other guides, including how to engage in co-op multiplayer, how to re-spec your character and more about the combat system. There is also more related content below, and for everything else, you can search Twinfinite.
Published: Mar 8, 2023 12:35 am