By and large, Super Mario RPG is a pretty simple turn-based affair. However, if you really want to excel in the game, then you’ll need to learn how to defend yourself and score critical hits on your enemies in Super Mario RPG, and that’s a matter of timing. Here’s what you need to know.
Super Mario RPG Defense and Critical Hits Timing Guide
While you can get through Super Mario RPG without ever worrying about this mechanic, we highly recommend trying to learn the timing, especially if you want to be able to use gauge moves and Triple Attacks.
To block enemy attacks, you simply need to hit the A button right before the attack lands on your character. The game will usually prompt you with an exclamation point icon above your character’s head to let you know when to hit A.
Similarly, to land a critical hit on your foes, hit the A button right before your attack hits your enemies. This will deal extra damage, and will also deal splash damage to the other enemies you didn’t target. You’ll know you were successful when stars pop out of your attack, indicating that you’ve landed a crit.

This becomes especially crucial in boss fights, and even in normal encounters if you’re playing on a higher difficulty setting. Successfully blocking an enemy attack can mean the difference between life and death, and whether you need to spend an extra turn healing up in battle.
What Crits Do in Super Mario RPG
Aside from just dealing more damage and defending, landing crits also help to charge up your gauge in the bottom left corner of the screen. As you build up a chain of blocks and crits, the gauge charges up faster, which means you’ll be able to use your Triple Attacks more frequently.
As you might have guessed, Triple Attacks are basically like Limit Breaks in Super Mario RPG, where your party members team up to unleash a powerful move on your foes.
That’s all you need to know about how to block and land critical hits in Super Mario RPG. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Nov 17, 2023 12:00 am