So you thought you saw the last of those awful Blue Medallions? Think again, because there’s no escaping them even once you’ve survived the catapults and have gotten to the Castle proper. Here’s a rundown of all the Grand Hall Blue Medallions in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Where to Find All Grand Hall Blue Medallions in Resident Evil 4 Remake
There are a total of six Blue Medallions to be found in the Grand Hall area of Resident Evil 4 Remake. While you can certainly revisit this area later on, we recommend snagging all of them before completing the chimaera puzzle in the Grand Hall itself.
Blue Medallion #1

The first Blue Medallion is located directly behind the chimaera. This should be pretty easy to find.

Blue Medallion #2

The second Blue Medallion is located near the entrance to the Great Hall. Turn into the southern alcove and look up to find it.

Blue Medallion #3

In the Dining Hall, head towards the two portraits then turn right to find the third Blue Medallion hiding behind the curtains.

Blue Medallion #4

On the top floor of the Grand Hall, head to the middle and aim at the chandelier to find the next Blue Medallion hiding among the lights.

Blue Medallion #5

The fifth Blue Medallion can be found in the Armory. Before jumping down to the bottom level, scan the southern wall for it.

Blue Medallion #6

The final Blue Medallion can be located in the Gallery. Once the zealots lower the platform, head to the back and turn around to find it behind a pillar.

And those are all of the Grand Hall Blue Medallion locations in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Mar 24, 2023 12:00 am