You would think that a captain of the elite Constellation crew would live a life of luxury with all the dangers each mission brings. Yet, you’ll often find yourself scrounging for change to afford anything in space, especially with the outrageous ship prices.
Fortunately, players have been testing out various ways to get credits quickly, including Reddit user MrJsingh’s brilliant hack of using the game physics in their favor. Through this technique, they could use the Stealth skill to avoid getting caught stealing an abundance of Credstiks. Then, the user placed a bin at the bottom to push the items with the holding interaction.
Thanks to Bethesda’s realistic game physics, MrJsingh gradually pushed the Credstiks into the bin, adding up to a hefty amount of cash. Many Starfield fans have praised the player in the comments, noting how clever the hack is. Some have also suggested using the handy console commands to get more money instantly, along with the many other glitches users have discovered.
How to Use Credstik Glitch for Infinite Credits in Starfield
You can initiate the Credstik glitch by performing the following steps:
- Enter Stealth mode.
- Pick up a bin (hold the interact button) and place it under the table.
- Grab another object to push the Credstiks into the bin.
- Hold the container with the credits and go where no one can see you.
- Collect the loot.
If you are unsure how to pick up items, you can hold down ‘E’ (PC) or ‘A’ (Xbox) to begin holding it. It doesn’t necessarily matter if you are in Stealth mode or not, but it does at least help you avoid getting caught by someone. Players can unlock this ability through the Physical tab in the Skills section.

You can utilize any item you desire for the money extraction, whether it be nearby or in your inventory. Just be sure to grab the credits when out of sight so you don’t get in trouble. As a result, players can now rack in some cash whenever they see a stack of Credstiks that are ripe for the taking.
Published: Sep 7, 2023 03:00 pm