Right after finishing up the previous main mission, Short Sighted, where you have to assist in fixing up the Eye, the next one begins. You’ll be taking on a new mission called No Sudden Moves that starts directly from Vladimir, so you need to be ready.
No Sudden Moves Main Quest Guide
On The Eye
As said, once Short Sighted finishes, you’ll start No Sudden Moves and must report to Vladimir. He informs you that we have more than the Starborn to contend with, as a new competitor has been added to the board. This new wrinkle is a salvager named Captain Petrov and his ship, the Scow. The problem is that he has recently collected one of Constellation’s desired artifacts.

Unfortunately, he knows Constellation wants the artifact but is willing to do a swap for any possible price. Due to this, you may have to get your thievery (or fighting) cap on. However, you aren’t to embark on this mission alone as Vladimir instructs you to take Barrett with you, and he will be locked in as your only follower for the whole
Procyon A System
After Vladimir is done, you must travel to The Scow to take the artifact through some less-than-moral means. You’ll find it in the Procyon A system, which isn’t all that far from Alpha Centauri and just barely to the left of Sol. You have either already been here as part of the Procyon VI-C part of the Power from Beyond quests, or you should do that after leaving The Scow.

It will be orbiting the planet Procyon V.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to simply dock on The Scow as you do other ships and star stations. Instead, save right now and hail The Scow. Choose the “[Persuade] I have business with Petrov. It is important” option. If you fail the persuasion minigame, simply reload your save.

When you win the persuasion check, you’ll be invited on board. With that clear, hold the button shown to dock and board The Scow.
The Scow
Once on board The Scow, follow the objective marker all the way to Petrov. Remember that your scanner features a handy path function if you find yourself getting lost.

Talk to Captain Petrov when you reach him and choose the [Persuasion] option to make him show you the artifact. Considering the twists and turns to get here, don’t start any fights with him just yet. However, once you have arrived at the artifact, your only real option is to take it and start a fight with the crew on board. We were fully hidden and lifted it, and a fight still broke out.
Though Vladimir seemed to suggest you should do this with some finesse, Petrov just stands there in front of the artifact, which truly limits your options. Once you have done enough damage to down him, Petrov will offer his surrender, and his guards will stand down. It is up to you whether or not to spare him, but for the sake of your reputation, sparing is probably the better choice. Plus, he doesn’t have anything that great to loot anyway.

None of Petrov’s crew is particularly happy about this outcome, but you are free to leave and take the artifact with you. Despite the fact that he threatened to tattle to the UC, you can finish the quest without any issues.
The Lodge
As with every other artifact mission, return to The Lodge to place the new artifact with the others. Once it is placed, the mission is completed, and High Price to Pay begins.
Please note that while you could take your time turning in No Sudden Moves, High Price to Pay locks you in for a little bit. For more Starfield quest guides, check out our links below.
Published: Sep 11, 2023 04:08 pm