Where to Find Coren Direbrew – World of Warcraft: Legion
Brewfest has descended once more on Azeroth, bringing with it merriment, pretzels, and no small amount of booze. At each year’s Brewfest, players are tasked with finding and killing Coren Direbrew, hoping to score one of his holiday treasures.
This year, to get to Coren Direbrew, you will need to queue up in the Group Finder for the Coren Direbrew Dungeon. Once your team is ready, you’ll be teleported right into the Grim Guzzler area of the Blackrock Depths instance. Coren Direbrew will be in a room to the side, and you can speak with him to initiate combat.
Some people, however, seem to be experiencing a bug that places the dungeon group at the entrance of Blackrock Depths, requiring they find their own way to the Grim Guzzler.
If this is the case, there’s a quick way to get over to the Guzzler. Simply enter the instance, head to the right, and click on a console near the campfire. Select the “pull the lever” option, and a little mole machine will appear. Use this to be transported to the Grim Guzzler.
Good luck, and happy Brewfest!
Published: Sep 27, 2016 07:46 pm