Resident Evil 7: Starting New Game Plus
Like past Resident Evil games, if you meet certain conditions during your run, you’ll be able to unlock new items that can be carried over to your second playthrough. These unlockable items will be available in your item box once you reach your first save room, and you’ll be able to use them however you want. In addition to that, any character upgrades you may have purchased previously will also be carried over. This means that your health increases and reload speed will carry over to your next game, even on Madhouse difficulty. To start new game plus, simply start a new game from the main menu, and you’ll find your unlockable items at the first proper save room.
Here’s a list of items that you can unlock for your second time through the nightmare:
- Albert-01R
- Running Shoes
- The Secrets of Defense
- Infinite Ammo
- Circular Saw
- X-Ray Glasses
Some of these items will undoubtedly make your second playthrough much more manageable as you’ll be armed with equipment that can help you detect items more easily, and never running out of ammunition certainly doesn’t hurt either. Of course, you don’t have to use any of these items if you don’t wish to. You can just leave them in the item box even on new game plus.
For more tips, tricks, and guides for Resident Evil 7, be sure to check our ever-expanding wiki guide.
Published: Jan 25, 2017 07:55 am