At the Greenhouses of Hogwarts, you’ll encounter a distraught Samantha Dale, who enlists your help to cure her brother’s transfiguration of beet feet. The only way to remedy William’s vegetable curse is to obtain a family heirloom and return it to its rightful destination somewhere in Brocburrow. So, if you want to know how to return Marmaduke’s Crest to Hogwarts Legacy, we’ll explain the steps you need to take to complete this mission.
How Do You Return Marmaduke’s Crest in Hogwarts Legacy?
Players can return Marmaduke’s Crest by locating the entrance to the Dale Family Tomb near the Brocburrow Floo Flame (follow the waypoint after you begin ‘Beeting’ A Curse.) Unlike William, your feet will, fortunately, not turn into beets since you are not a part of the family’s lineage. As players progress through the tomb, they must get rid of the Devil’s Snare blockage the with Incendio spell to reach the item.

You must defeat the Riparian Troll once you go down a rocky hill, in which you can hit it with its own boulder. Players can also flip the creature’s club or cast Protego to counter its multiple attacks, as well as perform Ancient Magic to lower its health bar significantly. After the battle, you can continue to follow the waypoint to place the Crest of Marmaduke Gilbertus Dale, reversing William’s curse.
Now it’s time to return to Samantha to tell her the good news, where you’ll be rewarded with a Collection item and a boost in XP. Additionally, each side quest you complete will get you one step closer to unlocking the Lucky Leprechaun outfit set and the Good Samaritan trophy/achievement.
That does it for our guide on how to return Marmaduke’s Crest in Hogwarts Legacy. For more content, be sure to explore the relevant links below, including our explanation of Ancient Magic.
Published: Mar 13, 2023 06:34 pm