Art of Bolting Rexa from Dragon Age Pals Adventure
Image Source: Pixel Spirits

Dragon Age Pals Adventure Tier List (July 2024)

Water fans, prepare your copium inhalers.

As is the case in every gacha ever, spending your resources wisely early on can set you up to rank high on all game modes and, in turn, gain even more resources to upgrade your roster. So, to help you achieve that in Dragon Age Pals Adventure, here is our definitive Primon tier list.

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Dragon Age Pals Adventure Primon Tier List

S+ Tier DAPA Primons

  • Raging Bull — Raging Bull is the best tank for the Fire team. He can protect your main DPS and apply burn quite reliably. Plus, his DEF shred is really good for PvE.
  • Boomclaw Dragon — Boomclaw is a backrow nuker that works extremely well with Phoenix Dancer and Bolting Rexa. He also works well for Fire/Wind teams with Meowsassin and Falcon Samurai.
  • Bolting Rexa — Bolting Rexa is one of the best fire DPSs and can apply burn very reliably. His only downisde is that he is a legendary and might not be considered a priority over Boomclaw and Raging Bull.
  • Blazing Fuzzaurus — Fuzzaurus is the core support for full Fire teams, which are meta right now. He applies burn and buffs highest-ATK teammates at the start, allowing you to one-shot enemies and cripple the enemy team.
  • Phoenix Dancer — Phoenix Dancer is a crucial piece on Fire teams, capable of nuking the whole enemy team. Plus, she isn’t legendary and, therefore, relatively easy to upgrade.
  • Breeze Rider — Breeze Rider is pretty OP, mostly because of his dragon form passive. However, he needs Brotosaur to really pop off with his 2nd passive.
  • Dualdrake — Jack of all trades, really. He heals, buffs, and his link passive is just too useful for all teams.
  • Thoraxion — Thoraxion is OP when combined with Brotosaur. Plus, he hard counters Earth squads with his Lightning Strike passive.
  • Brotosaur — He is the best support for pure Wind rosters. His rage-stacking skills let you accelerate your team and end battles really quickly.
  • Enchantress Cat — Enchantress Cat is the core debuffer on Earth teams. You’ll need to have her if you want to do well in PvP.
  • Mighty Ape — Mighty Ape is the strongest DPS Earth teams can have. However, like other legendaries, he is hard to get if you are a F2P player.

S Tier DAPA Primons

  • Inferno Roamer — Inferno Roamer is the premier non-legendary frontline on the Fire squad. He also works well in conjunction with KingKong.
  • Lava Pangolin — Lava Pangoling’s stuns are good for Fire teams that rely on nuking someone in the first few turns. However, his utility falls off the longer the battle is.
  • Whisperor Drake — Whisperor Drake is the core debuffer for Wind teams with silence on his normal attacks. His Rage talents are also strong.
  • Falcon Samurai — Falcon Samurai’s execute Rage skill is excellent if you can reliably get multiple enemies low. He works really well with Meowsassin.
  • Meowsassin — Meowsassin might be the best unit for executing enemies in the game, making it indispensible for full back row focusing teams.
  • Banana KingKong — Banana KingKong is the strongest non-legend Earth Primon in Dragon Age Pals Adventure. He is a heavy frontline that provides buffs for his teammates and debuffs for enemies.
  • Spirit Stag — I think she is pretty meta for the Earth teams, but her passive works best with Wind characters, which means you’ll have to roll with Earth/Wind.
  • Sabertooth — Sabertooth is another basic-attack spammer like the Kangaroo. He is simply necessary for full Earth squads.
  • Frostshell — His skills are all solid, and his CC is great. However, because Water is generally weak, I can’t put him in S+ tier.

A Tier DAPA Primons

  • Boxing Kangaroo — He spams basic attacks, and that works great in conjunction with the Banana KingKong, Wolly Scout, and Antelope Knight, because they all rely on high basic attack numbers.
  • Feline Dancer — The Dancer is often the main source of burn for Fire teams with his Burn Shields. If you need an offensive support, the Dancer is the way to go.
  • Balloon Dragon — The designated Wind tank with +Rage for allies. Good for both pure or hybrid Wind comps.
  • Antelope Knight — Antelope Knight is a solid replacement for Kangaroo that instead deals magic damage. You can also use her with him on pure Earth squads, which makes her stack her 2nd passive that much faster.
  • Woolly Scout — Woolly Scout is an alternative to Woodlander. His passive works well with basic attack-spamming units like the Boxing Kangaroo.
  • Woodlander — Woodlander provides heals and buffs. However, he works best on full Earth teams, which is the 3rd best faction right now.
  • Venomcroc — He is the most reliable source of poison for Water teams. So, using him on full Water teams is mandatory.
  • Frenzy Shark — Frenzy Shark is the second-best Water Primon, but still, the whole faction is simply too weak right now. The only reason I’d put him behind Frostshell is the lack of CC. He is a much better DPS than Frostshell, though.

B Tier DAPA Primons

  • Magmadillo — He is easy to get and can be used to stack burns, which any fire team will need plenty of. Plus, he is a solid early game tank.
  • Fire Priest — Fire Priest is one of the Primons you can star up easily early on. However, by the time you do that, you’ll have copies of better Fire Primons, too, so you’ll stop using him.
  • Rhinosaur — Rhinosaur is a pretty solid Wind DPS, capable of even nuking an enemy in the first few rounds. Plus, you can get him fairly easily.
  • Brute Dragon — Brute Dragon’s reflect passive is solid against attack spamming squads, but otherwise he doesn’t offer much.
  • Desert Fox — Desert Fox has excellent utility in her kit, but the damage is borderline non-existent. So, use her only if you’re certain you already have enough damage.
  • Grass Otter — Grass Otter is very useful because of the anti-heal, but because the rest of his kit relies on enemies being poisoned, he is useless outside of full Water teams.

C Tier DAPA Primons

  • Gale Spiritwyrm — Gale Spiritwyrm’s Rage is RNG, and that’s what’s tanking his ranking the most. However, if you’re lucky, he can be a pretty solid nuker.
  • Eagle Chieftain — Both Eagle Chieftain’s damage and utility aren’t that good. However, his passive makes him solid for Wind + Earth teams.
  • Toad Venomist — Toad Venomist is one of the cores for any Water team. He applies poison and deals very good damage overall. Still, the fact that Water teams are still so bad tank his rating.
  • Surftide Siren — The Surftide Siren is not a good support, but can work okay on full Water teams.

D Tier DAPA Primons

  • Sea Beastman — Relies on enemies having DoTs on them to be effective. Wouldn’t use him outside of full Water lineups.
  • Shieldshell — Shieldshell is a solid Water tank, but Water is plain garbage right now. Also, don’t expect any damage from him.
  • Ninja Penguin — Ninja Penguin can get to the back row, which is useful. However, his damage is really underwhelming.

That sums up our Dragon Age Pals Adventure tier list. If you want to stay up-to-date regarding this and other gachas out there, make sure to bookmark Twinfinite. We’ve got tier lists for all the most popular titles, including Solo Leveling Arise, Fairy Tail Fierce Fight, and Astra Knights of Veda, so you are simply bound to find something useful.

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Image of Aleksa Stojković
Aleksa Stojković
Aleksa is a full-time League of Legends solo queue grinder and a passionate killer sudoku player. He has also been moonlighting as a staff writer on Twinfinite since late 2023 so he can finance his mobile gacha addiction.