Today plenty more Devil May Cry 5 gameplay was showcased during two different livestreams.
The first livestream was hosted on Nico Nico by the Japanese magazine VJump. We got to see two separate sections of the game, the first of which features V and includes a battle against Behemoth, which concludes in a really epic way.
The second part features a new look at Dante and his extremely diverse battle styles.
The second stream was hosted on YouTube by Capcom itself. It began by showcasing the same battle included in the demo, with the addition of the Rawhide Devil Breaker for Nero.
Another batch of gameplay brought in V for an interesting showcase of his familiar including a boss battle against the Proto Angelo boss accompanied by a group of Scudo Angelo.
If you want to see more about Devil May Cry 5, you can watch gameplay featuring V, and the latest TV commercial from Japan.
You can also enjoy the latest trailer featuring the image song by HYDE “Mad Qualia”, earlier gameplay showing Nico’s shop, more showcasing the Cameo Mode, and a brand new gameplay trailer featuring V.
We also recently learned that the game is going to be quite naughty in words and deeds via its ESRB rating. Lastly, you can watch a really cool video showing a collaboration motorbike created with Triumph and themed on Dante’s image.
Devil May Cry 5 is scheduled to release worldwide on March 8 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Published: Feb 27, 2019 2:18 PM UTC