Starfield’s parents feature brings out some of the most adorable content in the game, where you can get the “hot goss” with your mom or listen to classic dad jokes. Like any good parent, they’ll always be on the sidelines rooting for you and sending you little love notes asking you to visit them. So, whether you want to ask them for a quick recipe or stop in for a quick hug, we’ll show you where to find your parents in Starfield.
How to Visit Parents in Starfield
You can visit your parents in the Alpha Centauri system at the Residential District’s Pioneer Tower on planet Jemison. Keep in mind that players will need the Kid Stuff trait to interact with their mom and dad, or else it won’t be available.

Once players arrive at the Residential District, they can spot Pioneer Tower to the left of the NAT station.

From there, you can take the elevator up to the Family Apartments, and your parent’s location will be the first room you’ll come across on the level.

You can speak to your mom and dad to tell them about your adventures or catch up with them about their recent activities. If you cannot find them at any point, you can check the Lodge to locate them there, as they will sometimes visit you at work. Players can also encounter them while traveling around the Settled Systems, unlocking unique dialogue points that can only be accessed within these areas.
It should be noted that your parent’s appearance will be based on the attributes you’ve chosen during character creation. This mechanic functions similarly to the third and fourth installments of the Fallout series, matching your custom face to create these models.
I recommend visiting your parents as much as possible, as they will sometimes give you free stuff. For example, your dad will provide you with the Wanderwell ship, which can either be utilized for personal use or sold for credits.
Where to Find Residential District in Starfield
If you haven’t found the Residential District, you can travel to it from the NAT transportation system. At the New Atlantis destination, you can take a left at the Security Checkpoint, where you should see the sign for the transit station.

The NAT will be to the right of the statue with a pond, and you can choose the ‘Residential District’ selection when interacting with the tram.

Now, you are free to go to your mom and dad’s home to possibly unlock a new ship or discover a family recipe.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you find your parents in Starfield, and you can check out our article on How to Make Money Fast to get enough credits for their two percent intake. Be sure to also explore the relevant links below to view more Starfield content.
Published: Sep 14, 2023 11:35 am