Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC has marked the arrival of several brand new Pokemon additions, such as the Grass/Dragon Dual-Type, Hydrapple. This strange apple ‘Mon is a new evolution for Dipplin, who previously made its debut in the Teal Mask DLC. If you’re looking to evolve your Dipplin into Hydrapple, then we’ve got all the details on how to do so, so follow along below.
Pokemon Indigo Disk – How to Evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC brings the release of Hydrapple, a new addition to the Applin evolution line. Hydrapple will evolve from Dipplin, but only when some special criteria is met. We’ve got you covered on everything you’ll need to know in order to get your own Apple Dragon on your team in no time, so let’s get to it.
First of all, you’ll need to obtain a Dipplin by catching and evolving an Applin. If you’re unsure of where to look for this Pokemon, then feel free to check out our complete Teal Mask Applin to Dipplin evolution guide detailing exact steps on how to obtain this ‘Mon. Once you’ve nabbed yourself one of these candied apple Pokemon, then continue on below to the next steps of evolution.

To evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple, it must gain a level while knowing the move ‘Dragon Cheer’. However, Dipplin doesn’t learn this move through natural progression, so you’ll need to spend a bit more time sourcing this requirement.
How to Get Dragon Cheer in Pokemon Indigo Disk, Explained
To obtain Dragon Cheer, players must defeat all parts of Elite Four Drayton’s encounter, including the prerequisite challenge and final battle. After defeating him, he will gift you Dragon Cheer, which you can use to teach Dipplin the required move for evolution.

Drayton’s Elite Four challenge is located in the Polar Biome of Blueberry Academy’s Terrarium, which can be discovered by traveling to the North-Western corner of the dome. You will be able to find and challenge Drayton specifically at the Plaza found here, with his challenge being triggered by speaking to the desk attendant sitting next to Duraludon. For extra help, feel free to refer to the map screenshot below.

Drayton is a Dragon Type Pokemon Trainer, so be sure to plan your team to an advantage against him before entering his final battle. Dragon Types are weak to Ice, Fairy, and other Dragon Pokemon (though if you use the latter, remember you will also be at an equal disadvantage), so make the most of this in your team composition to glide through the battle with ease.

That’s everything you need to know about how to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC. Now that you know how to grab this ‘Mon as an addition to your Pokedex, why not check out our other topics that can continue to help you complete this task, such as where to find and catch Minior, or how to evolve Inkay into Malamar?
Published: Dec 15, 2023 12:02 AM UTC