The beloved pigeon caretaker, John Howard, has returned to Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, taking you on yet another bird adventure across New York City. We’re here to explain what song is included in Howard’s mission so you can take a trip down memory lane with your own playlist.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Howard Song, Explained
Based on the end credits scene in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the song in Howard’s mission is “Seabird” by Alessi Brothers. The song initially debuted in 1976 on the very first album, Alessi, and was written by the brothers themselves. It’s the perfect musical composition to go along with the quest, as it talks about a lost seabird who has been away from home too long.
The mission will take you on an emotional journey, continuing on Howard’s saga in Marvel’s Spider-Man and Miles Morales. The quests typically involved flying around the city to find his pigeons, and the latest storyline is no different. Only this time, fans can listen to the Seabird song using the new web wings travel system to match the birds’ speed. Compared to other missions, it’s relatively simple to achieve, but fans consider it one of the game’s best side quests.
Those who complete this mission will earn themselves the A New Adventure trophy, concluding Howard’s storyline. You may also obtain the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man achievement if you’ve finished the remaining FNSM requests, including Find Grandpa, Rooftop Fireworks, and Graffiti Trouble. As for the rest of the collection, you can check out our Spider-Man 2 trophy guide to complete the entire list.
Now that you know Howard’s song in Spider-Man 2, you can add it to your playlist to show off your love for the character. While here, be sure to explore the relevant links below for more Spidey content, including how to capture footage of students in Miles’ Lights, Camera, Action quest.
Published: Oct 23, 2023 03:49 pm