Whether it’s PVP or PVE, the big cast of characters you can access in Warcraft Rumble vary in performance. That’s just the nature of the game! With this being a strategy game and all, obviously you want to aim for the best minis. So, take a look at what you’ve got and see where those minis rank on our Warcraft Rumble tier list!
All Warcraft Rumble Minis Ranked
S+ Tier Minis
What we defined as the best minis in Warcraft Rumble, offering exceptional damage, abilities, and ease of use. If you have any of these minis in the game, cherish them—they’ll take you far!
- Quilboar
- Baron Rivendare
- Tirion Fordring
- Defias Bandits
- Whelp Eggs
- Harpies
- S.A.F.E. Pilot
- Blackrock Pyromancer
S Tier Minis
The following minis are by no means “second best,” but rather have the potential to be S+ tier minis in the right circumstances. For example, Old Murk-Eye is easily S+ tier if you’re up against Dragon Towers in PVP, but outside that he sits comfortably in S tier.
- Rend Blackhand
- Blizzard
- Huntress
- Stonehoof Tauren
- Gryphon Rider
- Earth Elemental
- Frostsworn Shaman
- Old Murk-Eye
- Abomination
- Necromancer
- General Drakkisath
A Tier Minis
Reliable, strong, and can get you through quite a bit of Warcraft Rumble—A-tier minis are still great to have. More importantly, you should aim for these when you’re ready to replace B-tier minis.
- Maiev Shadowsong
- Firehammer
- Cairne Bloodhoof
- Grommash Hellscream
- Darkspear Troll
- Drake
- Gargoyle
- Hogger
- Sneed
- Bat Rider
- Banshee
- Worgen
- Deep Breath
- Jaina Proudmoore
- Sylvanas Windrunner
B Tier Minis
While not bad by any stretch of the imagination, B-tier minis are simply “good.” These characters are, above all else, consistent and you’ll rarely have trouble using them up until you gather some A-tier minis.
- Skeleton Party
- Execute
- Ghoul
- Warsong Rider
- Meat Wagon
- Goblin Sapper
- Core Hounds
- Fire Elemental
- Flamewaker
- Gnoll Brute
- Dark Iron Miner
- Murloc Tidehunters
- Holy Nova
C Tier Minis
If you’re unlucky enough to have these minis in Warcraft Rumble, replace them ASAP. Only a handful are decent enough to use until then, like Flamewalker and Skeleton Party, but you’d do exponentially better with minis a tier up.
- Smoke Bomb
- Prowler
- Harvest Golem
- Raptors
- Warsong Grunts
- Skeletons
- Footmen
- Polymorph
- Cheat Death
- Chain Lightning
- Bloodmage Thalnos
- Charlga Razorflank
- Ogre Mage
- Angry Chickens
- Plague Farmer
- Vultures
- Mountaineer
- Molten Giant
- Spiderlings
- Arcane Blase
- Living Bomb
Where did your minis rank on our Warcraft Rumble tier list? With the game receiving updates over time, these minis are bound to fluctuate in ranking, whether it’s from nerfs, buffs, or new metas. Today’s C-tier mini might be tomorrow’s A-tier! That said, if you’re looking for more guides, check out how to fix Warcraft Rumble not loading or, better yet, how to use Bluestacks to play on your PC.
Published: Nov 30, 2023 10:28 pm