If you like to pick up and carry everything you find, then this guide on how to increase inventory space in Alan Wake 2 will undoubtedly come in handy.
Sequels are often seen as opportunities to improve on something, and in the case of Alan Wake 2, Remedy Games has certainly taken a stab at elevating the survival horror aspect of things. Beyond just dealing with ethereal threats that require light to dissipate completely, players will have to worry about managing their inventory space as well, just like in the beloved Resident Evil series.
Inventory Space in Alan Wake 2
Like any good survival horror game, Alan Wake 2 just about gives players enough tools to help them get past the immediate threats. However, for longevity, there is an obvious need to ensure that you have enough space to hoard all the items that you could come across as both Saga Anderson and Alan Wake himself.
Both characters will go through trials and tribulations throughout the game, and will possess their individual inventories. As such, increasing the inventory space will see players going down two different paths.
Increasing Inventory Space for Saga in Alan Wake 2

When it comes to this FBI investigator, it is a more conventional way of upgrading her ability to carry more items. Special pouches can be found in the world that will do just that, adding a precious four additional slots at each time.
The first of these pouches can be found in the General Store after encountering the first foes that seek to harm Saga in Chapter 2. Hold down the button prompt to equip this upgrade to get your first taste of expanded inventory space.
Increasing Inventory Space for Alan Wake

As for the writer at the heart of the games, his way is a little more mysterious. Scattered throughout the game are Words of Power that can be found, which increases his abilities in various ways.
Finding the requisite Word of Stuff will allow players to pick the Magic Pocket option, which then expands Alan’s inventory by one entire row. One such Word of Stuff can be found in the Ballroom in the Oceanview Hotel, just above the bar.
Now that you are more aware of how to increase inventory space in Alan Wake 2, you will be much better prepared. For more help on the game, please check out the related content below for other guides, or search Twinfinite for more tips and tricks.
Published: Oct 27, 2023 12:00 am