Minecraft’s explosive Creepers have always had the upper hand with their sneaky denotation tactics, resulting in casualties and ruined builds. Fortunately, players can harness a fiery power of their own with the outburst of the mighty TNT. So, if you want to know the crafting recipe for this handy item, we’ll show you how to make TNT in Minecraft.
Minecraft TNT Crafting Recipe
Players must acquire five gunpowder and four sand/red sand to make TNT in Minecraft. The best way to get gunpowder is by eliminating Creepers gradually, but you can also obtain them from Ghasts, Witches, and chests. As for the sand, you can dig them up with your shovel anywhere near water or in desert biomes, which should be relatively easy to grab.
Then, you can rearrange the gunpowder and sand in this layout through the Crafting Table:

Aside from crafting, you can search for the item in Creative mode to get it instantly or enter a command. For example, Java users can type in ‘/give @p tnt 1,’ while Bedrock players can use ‘/give @p tnt 1 0.’
How to Use TNT in Minecraft
Now that you have the TNT, it’s time to cause chaos by blowing it up with the proper tools. Players can perform various methods to do this procedure, and you can utilize one of the following items to ignite it:
- Flint and Steel
- Fire Charge
- Fire/Lava
- Flame Enchantment Arrow
- Pressure Plate
- Pressure Plate with Redstone Circuit
The Flint and Steel is an excellent tool to have, as it can ignite objects like TNT and the Nether Portal. It’s also one of the most accessible resources since it only requires one iron ingot and flint from gravel. However, the other techniques may be a bit tricky, especially for the Fire Charge and Flame Enchantment, because it either mandates players to go into the treacherous Nether or use the powerful Enchanting Table.
If you want to set up a trap for monsters or other players, you can plan out your grand scheme with Pressure Plates, Redstone Dust, and Redstone Circuits. But, of course, there are alternative strategies you can utilize, thanks to the unique features of the Redstone.
How to Make Minecart with TNT in Minecraft
Another crafting recipe you can use is the Minecart with TNT, a moveable destructive force that can transport your device. Players can make this material by combining a Minecart with a TNT through the Crafting Table.

All you need to do is craft TNT and collect five iron ingots to make the Minecart, which can be acquired in the Overworld’s vast caves. In return, crafters can transfer their explosive objects quickly with the rails, as well as set up a ploy against others by laying out a trap.
That does it for our guide on how to make TNT in Minecraft. For more content, be sure to explore the relevant links below, including our guide on all the latest armor trim recipes.
Published: Mar 29, 2023 03:39 pm