Our adorable little axolotl friend is one of the few select Pokemon to receive Regional Variants in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, taking the form of Paldean Wooper. Paldean Wooper is a Poison/Ground type and is available to catch as early as you start to explore South Provine Area One. With this little guy’s new Paldean form comes a new evolution: Clodsire, a Pokemon that simultaneously pulls off looking hilarious and adorable. Here’s how to evolve your own Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Where to Find Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
If you still need to find and capture a Paldean Wooper, refer to the map below for some help, or check out our complete guide on where to find and catch Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
How to Evolve Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Luckily, evolving Paldean Wooper is extremely straightforward and easy to accomplish. All you need to do to evolve Paldean Wooper is to raise it until it hits level 20. That means there’s no need to worry about trade evolution or having to chase down a specific evolution item. With Paldean Wooper being available for capture so early on in the game, this should be no hard feat to accomplish, and will result in you receiving a Clodsire in no time!
That’s all you need to know about evolving Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Sclarlet and Violet. For more guides and information on the games, be sure to check out our other content here at Twinfinite. We have plenty of useful tips to get you through your adventure, such as how to capture and evolve Lechonk, how to change clothes / outfits, and how to use the EXP share!
Published: Nov 19, 2022 4:03 AM UTC