There are loads of new and different tasks that one can find in Gray Zone Warfare. While some of them are longer and more complicated, others take just a few simple steps to bring home those sweet achievements and unlocks. So if you’ve been wondering how to complete the Negotiator Task in Gray Zone Warfare, you don’t need to wonder anymore. Keep reading and we’ll give you all the relevant information that you need!
Gray Zone Warfare Negotiator Task Walkthrough
First of all, you’ll want to head to the YBL-1 zone of the map. Head to the entrance and then from there, straight to the barracks in L-MA2. You’ll find stairs that you want to climb down, head left, and continue down the two rooms. Now head into the second door to the right, the one in the center, and you’ll find even more stairs that, of course, you should climb down right away.

Once you reach floor -2, you should find a door to the right. Go through it and head into the room on the left, which is locked the first time you approach it.
You need to have the key (codename YBL-OFC2) to open the door where you can complete the task. Where is it? Well, easier said than done, because the enemies around this area will drop it randomly. It’s a matter of luck on how many you’ll have to shoot down and loot before you can get it. At the time of writing, many have reported grinding for hours with no luck as to finding the key, but the issue has not been addressed by the developers. We will update this guide in case it is.
But once you have the key, then it’s finished. Just enter the door, and you should find a dilapidated room with a man bound and tied to a chair. Unfortunately, he’s passed away. But once you confirm the identity of the man, you should see that the Negotiator task is green and completed in your menu.
That’s all we have for you on how to complete the Negotiator Task in Grey Zone Warfare. For more guides on the game, do check out our how to complete Little Bird Down and Secret Compassion.
Published: May 2, 2024 07:41 am