Beating up normal soldiers is fine and all in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, but the real fun comes in overcoming the dangerous bosses and demons that threaten your life more than more. With the combat system being one of its biggest selling points, it makes sense that these battles are often spectacles and come with a degree of challenge. To help you out, here’s our guide on how to beat Fengxi in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
Beating Fengxi in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
After defeating Zhuyan, a mini-boss that stands in your way in the Two Chivalrous Heroes level in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you will come face to face with the actual end-level boss that will require slaying. Introducing Fengxi, a giant warthog/bull demon that will love nothing more than to impale you with its tusks and be on its way.

Thankfully, this boss is not as fast as it needs to be in order to pose a bigger threat, so you can plan your approach accordingly. The best way to beat Fengxi is not head-on, but rather, attacking it from the side, and if you see it targeting your AI companion, that is the signal to go all-in on attacks before it becomes wise to your presence.
As usual, the Critical Blow from Fengxi is the one true attack you will have to look out for. Once it starts to glow red, it will jump into the air and try to squash you with its belly; deflect that and you can counterattack. It will also prepare to rush you with its tusks, so get ready defensively then as well, which will make it easy for you to land a Fatal Strike when the window opens.

Pick your windows to attack, and it shouldn’t take that long for the beast that is Fengxi to be put down once and for all.
That’s everything you will need to know about how to beat Fengxi in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. For more help on the game, peruse our guides on how to change character appearance, what is the best beginner build, and learn all about the Wizardry spells. Do check out other related content below, and for everything else, you can search Twinfinite.
Published: Mar 6, 2023 4:32 AM UTC
Published: Mar 6, 2023 12:32 am