All For One established himsefl as the notorious, big bad villian of the My Hero Academia franchise from the very beginning, as the polar opposite and direct power clash to the likes of All Might and One For All. Throughout the story, AFO has played a mastermind role, resulting mass destruction ad chaos, as well as many significant changes for himself and the villains he partners with. Keeping this information in mind, you may be wondering if All For One still has his quirk in My Hero Academia, so here’s everything you need to know.
Does All For One Still Have His Quirk? All Changes Explained
Things got hectic in My Hero Academia when it was revealed All For One had secretly made a copy of his quirk with the help of Dr. Kyudai Garaki, and passed the original variant of his quirk down to his apprentice, Tomura Shigaraki. From here, Tomura’s hate would amplify the process of All For One being passed over, creating a brand new being consisting of both Tomura and All For One’s selves fused together.

So thing might have you asking, what becomes of One For All? Well, it’s been proven so far that this new Shigaraki/All For One being can utilize the abilities of All For One, as shown when he used it to kill Star and Stripe and obtain her quirk, New Order. Fortunately the young American hero was able to make one last move with her quirk as Shigaraki stripped it from her, causing the vestiage of New Order to combat the likes of the other quirks.
Because of this, Shigaraki began to lose the abilities he had received through All For One’s quirk, but was ultimately able to come out of the fight victorious, taking the life of one of the strongest Pro Heroes in the world. From what was seen in Shigaraki’s fight against Star and Stripe, it’s clear to say, yes. All For One still has access to his qurik through his share consciousness as the new fusion being with Tomura Shigaraki. It’s not yet clear just how much of All For One’s power ‘Shigaraki’ is able to utilize just yet, but the quirk even just being present makes this villain a huge threat.
On top of this, All For One also has the cloned copy of his quirk to fall back on in case things go wrong, so who knows how he plans to utilize this backup copy? Clearly, it won’t be for anything but more chaos and destruction, so here’s hoping Izuku, All Might and the Heroes can find a way to shut this down before the world ceases to exist.
That’s everything you need to know about if All For One still has his quirk in My Hero Academia. For more quizzes, lists, guides, and news, check out the rest of our content here at Twinfinite. We have plenty of anime topics including plenty of My Hero Academia reads for all you heroes in training, such as all One For All quirks, who Lady Nagant is, and did the villains win the Paranormal Liberation War, answered. Why not give one of them a try?
Published: Jan 8, 2023 10:55 pm