In Diablo 4, sometimes you just need to stop for a moment and pick flowers, you know? Not only to enjoy the scenery, but because resources are crucial for crafting strong elixirs. Depending on what you’re crafting, some recipes call for Reddamine. If you’re having a hard time finding it, then we’ll teach you how to get Reddamine in Diablo 4.
The Best Place to Get Reddamine in Diablo 4
Luckily for you, Reddamine in Diablo 4 is very easy to find, provided you know where to look. It only spawns in one area of the map: the Dry Steppes. I like to mount up at Jirandai and just circle the edges of the Dry Steppes. You can pick Reddamine while on horseback!
Reddamine becomes a lot more important when you reach level 60 and level 70. At that point, you unlock Strong Healing Potion and Greater Healing Potion, respectively. To craft either or, you need Reddamine. It’s also useful for Weak Elixir of Lightning Resistance.
How to Convert Materials into Reddamine in Diablo 4

Depending on what you need Reddamine for in Diablo 4, a better solution to farming them yourself may be to just convert other materials. Reddamine is one of several planet resources you use for alchemy, and if you happen to have a bunch of another plant, you can simply convert it to Reddamine.
- Visit any Alchemist in the game, located in small villages and major towns, but try major towns first, like Kyovashad.
- Switch to the Refine Resources tab.
- Highlight Reddamine and craft. It’ll cost x5 Gallowvine and 200 Gold.
If you’re short on Gallowvine, you can simply convert other resources into Gallowvine. Neat, right? It’s a very useful method when you’re in a pinch.
At any rate, we can close the book on how to get Reddamine in Diablo 4 now. Be sure to check out our other guides using the links below. Have you checked out Season of the Blood yet? If not, you should—it features a really cool mechanic: Vampiric Powers. Happy hunting!
Published: Oct 18, 2023 03:51 pm