How to Get Into the Battlefield V Beta
Be honest, were you feeling left out during the Battlefield V alpha? There you sat, refreshing your email and dolefully sighing as you missed out on your opportunity to join in on all of the action. But the email never came. The war came and went, heroes were made, and you missed out.
You vowed not to let that happen again, and swore that you would right this wrong, by making your mark in the Battlefield V beta. This was probably you. Unless you participated in the alpha. In which case, you don’t work for this particular analogy.
Fortunately, now that EA has a better idea of the amount of pressure their servers for Battlefield V can handle, they will be casting a much wider net for the beta. The easiest way to secure your spot is by simply preordering any edition of Battlefield V. Not only will this allow access to the Battlefield V beta, but it will in fact give you early access, allowing you to make up for lost time.
Keep in mind, some retailers allow refunds on your deposit, so even if you decide that you’ll give the game a miss, putting down a preorder and trying out the beta is certainly an easy way to dip your toes in the water to help make up your mind.
Otherwise, you can subscribe to Origin Access Premier, EA’s premium service for PC gamers, which will not only gift you with the same early access to the beta as preordering, but will of course also open up the library of EA’s existing titles in case you want to get some practice in.
For more tips, tricks, guides and geltung (that’s German, yo), for Battlefield V stay tuned right here on Twinfinite, and we’ll be sure to see you in the beta! Just look for the corpses dotting the ground, that’s probably us.
Published: Jul 31, 2018 10:40 am