Pokemon GO has released a Fashion Week event, set to run between 10 AM on Nov. 15, 2023, to 8:00 PM on Nov. 19, 2023 (local time). During this event, players will be able to obtain special Fashionable Pokemon variants, shiny spawns, bonuses, research tasks, and more. We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this event, so follow along below.
All Wild Pokemon Debuts & Spawns in Pokemon GO Fashion Week
Pokemon GO’s Fashion Week will mark the arrival of several new Fashionable Pokemon variants, giving certain species adorable little outfits. As well as new Pokemon, there are several returning Fashionable Pokemon that will be available to catch in both regular and shiny variants. Lastly, the Gothita evolution line is making its shiny debut in Pokemon GO during this event, giving shiny hunters the best opportunity to snag one for their collection nice and early.

Here is a complete list of all Fashion Week event Pokemon and variants available:
New Pokemon:
- Fashionable Dragonite + shiny
- Fashionable Wooper + shiny (increased spawn rate)
- Fashionable Quagsire
- Shiny Gothita (increased spawn rate)
Returning Pokemon:
- Summer Style Pikachu + shiny (increased spawn rate)
- Fashionable Digett + shiny (increased spawn rate)
- Fashionable Croagunk + shiny (increased spawn rate)
- Frillish female + shiny (increased spawn rate)
- Furfrou Natural form + shiny (increased spawn rate)
- Mareanie (increased spawn rate)
- Fashionable Absol + shiny (uncommon spawn rate)
- Frillish male + shiny (uncommon spawn rate)
Pokemon Go Fashion Week – All Bonuses
During Pokemon Go Fashion week, there are several event bonuses that players can make the most of, as listed below:
- Certain avatar items will be on sale during the event
- All Pokemon caught will earn 2x the regular Candy amount.
- Increased odds for Trainers level 31 and above to receive Candy XL when successfully catching a Pokemon.
In addition to these bonuses, there will also be Pokestop Showcases available for both Gothita and Mareanie, who have common spawn rates during this event. Showcases are local mini events, in which nearby Trainers can compete to have their Pokemon featured at Pokestops. When a Showcase ends, every participating Trainer will receive various rewards such as XP, Pokeballs, and Stardust. In addition to this, the top three Trainers will be able to collect more beneficial reward prizes such as Star Pieces or Incubators, and the top Trainer will receive a Medal in addition to their prizes.
Pokemon Go Fashion Week – All Egg Hatchables
As well as being obtainable in the wild, several special baby Pokemon variants can be hatched from eggs during the event. Specifically, Gothita will have increased shiny odds when being hatched from an egg during this Fashion Week event, which when combined with the increased wild spawn rates, means that Gothita has significantly improved shiny rates across these few days.

Here is a list of all Fashion Week 2023 event Pokemon variants that are hatchable from eggs:
- Pichu + shiny
- Wooper + shiny
- Smoochum + shiny
- Shinx + shiny
- Gothita + shiny
Pokemon Go Fashion Week – All Raids
Of course, this event wouldn’t be complete without a few limited-time Raids. Here is a complete list of every Fashion Week 2023 Raid, including the dates in which they are live, if they have a time limit:
- Fashionable Diglett + shiny
- Fashionable Wooper + shiny
- Fashionable Sneasel + shiny
- Furfrou Natural form + shiny
3-Star Raids:
- Fashionable Butterfree + shiny
- Fashionable Dragonite + shiny
- Fashionable Kirlia + shiny
- Fashionable Absol + shiny
5-Star Raids:
- Virizion + shiny (ends at 10 AM Nov. 16, local time)
- Cobalion + shiny (starts at 10 AM Nov. 16, local time)
Mega Raids:
- Mega Garchomp + shiny (ends at 10 AM Nov. 16, local time)
- Mega Kangaskhan + shiny (starts at 10 AM Nov. 16, local time)
Pokemon Go Fashion Week – All Field Research Tasks & Challenge
There are a number of both free and paid limited-time Research Tasks and Challenges to complete during the Fashion Week event, which consist of catching Pokemon, taking snapshots, collecting Pokemon, using Berries, and more.

Here is a complete list of all Field Research Tasks and Challenges during the Fashion Week event:
Field Research Tasks
- Catch 5 Pokemon
- Catch 10 Pokemon
- Catch 15 Pokemon
- Take a snapshot of your buddy
- Take snapshots of 7 different wild Pokemon
- Take a snapshot of Absol or Frillish in the wild
Field Research Ecounters
- Blitzle (shiny eligible): Min CP 346, Max CP 378
- Wooper (shiny eligible): Min CP 247, Max CP 275
- Kirlia (shiny eligible): Min CP 381, Max CP 414
- Butterfree (shiny eligible): Min CP 737, Max CP 78
- Diglett (shiny eligible): Min CP 262, Max CP 289
- Shinx (shiny eligible): Min CP 343, Max CP 375
Fashion Week: Runway Stars ($2 purchase)
- Catch 10 Pokemon
- Catch 20 Pokemon
- Catch 30 Pokemon
- Catch 40 Pokemon
- Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokemon
- Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokemon
- Take a snapshot of 4 different wild Pokemon
- Take a snapshot of 6 different wild Pokemon
- Take a snapshot of 8 different wild Pokemon
- Take a snapshot of 10 different wild Pokemon
Rewards: Fashionable Dragonite, 2x Premium Battle Pass, 5000 XP.
Collection Challenge
Collect all of the following Pokemon during the Fashion Week event to receive rewards:
- Fashionable Diglett
- Fashionable Croagunk
- Gothita
- Summer Style Pikachu
- Fashionable Wooper
- Fashionable Absol
Rewards: Fashionable Dragonite encounter, 5000 Stardust, 10000 XP.
Pokemon Go Fashion Week – All New Avatar Items
There is also several new items that can be purchased, as well as additional discounted prices in the shop during Pokemon GO’s Fashon Week event, giving Trainers the chance to decorate their avatars and celebrate the event in style.

Here is every new avatar item available for purchase during the Fashion Week event:
- Reuniclus Top
- Reuniclus Boots
- Gothitelle Top
- Gothitelle Pants
- Gothitelle Shoes
- Hooded Denim Jacket
- Denim Pants
That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon GO’s Fashion Week event, including bonuses, Raids, and obtainable Pokemon. For more helpful guides, check out the rest of our content here at Twinfinite. We have a variety of different topics to help you on your Pokemon GO adventures, such as how to make and use Routes.
Published: Nov 15, 2023 09:28 pm