Series 5 cards are expensive, but every so often you get a card that’s worth spending your Collector’s Tokens or Spotlight Caches on, and Annihilus just might be one of them. Here’s our take on the best Annihilus decks to build in Marvel Snap.
Best Marvel Snap Decks for Annihilus
As usual, let’s go over Annihilus’s ability in Marvel Snap. This is a 5-Cost, 7-Power card with the following ability: On Reveal: Your cards with 0 or less Power switch sides. Destroy those that can’t.
The junk archetype in Marvel Snap has never really been considered competitive, but with the release of Annihilus, this feels like the missing piece the archetype has been waiting for. There’s plenty of synergy here with cards like The Hood, Sentry, the Goblins, and Debrii. The nice thing about Annihilus is that he also serves as a counter to opposing junk decks, though that usually comes down to a game of cat and mouse and seeing who plays their Annihilus first.
Here are some decklists to try to bring your junk game to the next level.
Annihilus Rocks

- The Hood
- Korg
- Black Widow
- Zabu
- Mystique
- Debrii
- Rock Slide
- Darkhawk
- Absorbing Man
- Sentry
- Hobgoblin
- Annihilus
This decklist aims to meld the junk and Zabu/Hawk archetypes together into a powerful package. There two main lines of play here: either stack your opponent’s deck with rocks and disrupt them with Black Widow for a powerful Darkhawk/Mystique combo play at the end, or fill their side of the board with Hobgoblin, Debrii, and cap things off with Annihilus and a big power push with Sentry.
It’s also possible to do a little bit of both, of course, but you’ll need to decide on your line of play early on and commit to it.
Thanos Flood

- The Hood
- Carnage
- Psylocke
- Jeff
- Killmonger
- Sentry
- Typhoid Mary
- Professor X
- Annihilus
- Alioth
- Thanos
- Death
Thanos has really only seen any degree of success with the lockdown archetype, and this decklist does still lean into lockdown, but also offers a unique line of play with Annihilus and the ability to send the Infinity Stones over to your opponent’s side to clog up their board. The idea here is to drop the Stones’ Power with Typhoid Mary on the board, then use Annihilus to send them over to clog things up. No harm no foul if there’s no space on the other side, as Annihilus just destroys the scraps anyway.
Just in case you don’t draw Annihilus, you’ll want to kill the Stones with Killmonger or Carnage to free up your board, which in turn leads to your ability to play Death out for cheap. Of course, if things don’t pan out, you can always turn to the ol’ reliable lockdown strategy of playing Time Stone or Psylocke on 3, followed by Professor X with Jeff as backup. This should leave you free to play Alioth on turn 6 to secure the win.
Classic Junk

- The Hood
- Black Widow
- Carnage
- Viper
- Mysterio
- Green Goblin
- Debrii
- Deathlok
- Absorbing Man
- Sentry
- Annihilus
- Spider-Woman
This junk deck does what it says on the box: it wants to clog up your opponent’s board with rocks and Green Goblin, and Absorbing Man is the linchpin to help make that happen over and over again.
Viper allows for early clogging, and Mysterio isn’t just great for mind games, he also provides 0-Power clones you can either send over or destroy with Carnage for extra Power. As usual, Annihilus should be your turn 5 play here, followed by Spider-Woman to really secure a lane on the last turn to debuff your opponent’s cards.
And those are our picks for the best Annihilus decks to try in Marvel Snap. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game, including our list of best Ms Marvel decks for the season.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 08:25 pm