Risk of Rain Returns Best Team Composition
Image Source: Screenshot via Gearbox YouTube

Risk of Rain Returns Best Party Composition

Four tickets to Petrichor V, please.

One of the hardest things to do in Risk of Rain Returns is get the whole gang to play. If you are fortunate enough to assemble a 4-man party in this friend-conomy, here is a list of the best party compositions for Risk of Rain Returns to make the next run as painless as possible.

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Best Party Compositions for Risk of Rain Returns

Risk of Rain Returns can be a challenging game for some, but having a good team comp is a great way to make the overall experience more enjoyable.

In general, a good comp has to be balanced the same way it would need to be for MMO raids. A well-balanced team has a support, a tank, and two DPS characters. It’s also important to note that each player stacks different items, especially when considering 4-man comps.

Good supports are Engineer and Drifter. For melee DPS, I recommend Loader, HAN-D, or Commando. Sniper and Huntress are the best when it comes to ranged damage, and while melee tanking isn’t really a thing in RoRR since you are always better off with kiting, the Enforcer can fill that role nicely when necessary.

Here are some example comps to get you started.

Engineer, Enforcer, Huntress, Acrid

The engineer is here for healing and zoning, and the Bustling Fungus helps it go brrrrrrrrr. Enforcer is mainly there for zoning and tanking, so Infusions, Bustling Roots, and all other HP stuff is reserved for him. Huntress and Acrid will be your primary damage dealers, and they require completely different items while providing you with a range of AoE and single-target damage, making them perfect for any situation.

This kind of comp can get you pretty far even if you are playing the game for the first time. Make sure that everyone plays to their roles’ strengths and that you move as a team, and you’ll have perfected this recipe for success.

RoRR Local Co-Op (Risk of Rain Returns Best Party Composition)
Image Source: Gearbox via Twinfinite

Engineer, Commando, Mercenary, Drifter

This is a full melee DPS comp. Drifter and Engineer should be used as supports. Once again, each character focuses on getting different items, which keeps you all up to the task throughout the run. You can always swap out one of the melees for a range or add an Enforcer, and Loader is currently one of the top-tier melees that can fit this comp nicely.

Engineer, Sniper, Acrid, Drifter

You’ve noticed by now that the Engineer is pretty good at filling that support role. If you want, you can swap out the Drifter and get more DPS, but this comp is pretty well-rounded already. Make sure that someone is peeling for the sniper, and you should be good.

Best Multiplayer Tactics for Risk of Rain Returns

If you want to challenge Monsoon difficulty, the “just click buttons until enemy boom” tactic might not cut it anymore. Below are some tactics that will help you progress through RoRR, and who knows, maybe they will inspire you to devise your own tactics.

RoRR Tips
Image Source: Gearbox via Twinfinite

Clear the Map Efficiently

Time is a BIG factor in RoRR. Every five minutes, the difficulty increases, which means more enemies with better stats.

As such, it’s crucial to be efficient while clearing the map, so a good tactic is to split at the start of the round. Have players set out solo or in pairs, but be aware of where your party is so you can provide support if necessary. Once you find the portal and are sure you picked all the items, group up and defeat the boss.

Keep Track of Your Cooldowns

Keeping track of your abilities and equipable items’ cooldowns is essential in RoRR. Use your invulnerability/dash sparingly in combat so you can utilize it when necessary. If you are playing Engineer, always keep at least one turret ready for deployment to keep your options open. If you incorporate this way of thinking into your own gameplay, your survival rate will dramatically increase.

Have Fun

Even if you’ve already beaten Monsoon, there are still ways to make the game more “fun.” Activate Shrines of the Mountain, loop, and make it as hard as possible for yourself before challenging Providence. Even though all of the tips above will make the game easier, I implore you to only use them as necessary and enjoy the game as much as you can in your own way.

Now you know what the best team compositions in RoRR are and how to devise some of your own. One thing that will also make your gameplay easier is using keycards to get more items. If you are interested in other RoRR tips, check out the links below and see what you find.

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Image of Aleksa Stojković
Aleksa Stojković
Aleksa is a full-time League of Legends solo queue grinder and a passionate killer sudoku player. He has also been moonlighting as a staff writer on Twinfinite since late 2023 so he can finance his mobile gacha addiction.