Interior design isn’t going to affect your stay on a monster-filled moon in any meaningful way, but still, who doesn’t like decorating their room? Keep reading to learn how to move furniture in Lethal Company so you can decorate your ship to your liking.

Moving Furniture in Lethal Company
It’s super easy to move objects in Lethal Company, and we’ve listed all the controls used to manipulate a piece of furniture’s placement down below:
- B – Use while near furniture to start moving it; click again to confirm it’s new location
- R – Hold to rotate the object you are holding clockwise (you can only rotate it in that direction)
- X – Press to move the piece of furniture into your ship’s storage
To retrieve furniture from your storage:
- Move over to your Access Terminal and click E to use it
- Input Storage and press Enter; a list of items currently in your storage will appear
- Write the name of the furniture you want to retrieve and hit Enter; it’ll appear inside your ship and can then be moved around.
How to Get More Furniture
You can buy more furniture from the Store section of the terminal. You will always find them at the bottom of the list, and they’re easy to miss as a result. Just type the name of the piece you want to buy, hit Enter, and voila — it will magically appear inside your living quarters.
You will notice that the selection available at the store will refresh every time you fill your quota, so don’t forget to check on it after reaching each milestone.
Now that you have learned how to move furniture in Lethal Company, there is nothing stopping you from turning that raggedy old spaceship of yours into a SpaceX Starship. With all the extra space you might create, why not consider bringing more crew in by increasing the player limit?
Published: Nov 24, 2023 07:30 pm