There are various items and tools at your disposal to help make your expeditions easier in Lethal Company, but some may end up being more of a hindrance than others. If you’re wondering how to get and use the Air Horn in Lethal Company, here’s what you need to know.
Getting the Loud Horn in Lethal Company
The Loud Horn can be purchased from the Terminal in Lethal Company for 150 Credits. This makes it a fairly expensive item to get, especially early on in the game when money is so hard to come by. Because it’s one of the less useful items in the game, we don’t recommend getting it until you’re pretty experienced or have a ton of Credits to burn.

To purchase it, simply interact with the Terminal, type in “store”, then purchase the Loud Horn from there.
What the Loud Horn Does in Lethal Company
As the name suggests, the Loud Horn lets off a very loud sound when used. To use it, equip it and hit left-click while it’s in your hand.
The loud sound that it emits can be heard pretty much all throughout whichever facility you’re exploring, which makes it a bit of a nuisance item to use. It’ll attract nearby monsters to your location, so get ready to fight or run away. It can be useful in the sense that you’ll be able to draw monsters away from your teammates while they make their escape or hoard more loot, but other than that, it’s not the best item to have on-hand during your expeditions.
That’s all you need to know about how to get and use the Air Horn, or Loud Horn, in Lethal Company. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 10:18 pm