Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO that has become astronomically popular, particularly for its widely abundant range of in-game collectable items. Among the most popular are Emotes, which are unique casual gestures that players can use to further interact with their friends in-game.
The latest one added just today is none other than the Pizza Emote, paying homage to a food that many gamers like ourselves can wholesomely identify with. If you’re wondering how to get your hands on a slice, here is how to get the Pizza Emote in FFXIV.
How & Where to Get the Pizza Emote in FFXIV

The Pizza emote has actually appeared in the game before, but it was only available via a very limited-time promotion with the GrubHub food delivery service back in 2021. You had to spend a minimum of $15 on the app and use a special coupon in order to receive a code you could redeem on Mog Station.
That event has long since come and gone, however, and the millions of players that have joined Final Fantasy XIV since then have been left high and dry without a delicious Eorzean slice to try. As of today, though, the Pizza emote is officially back and available for everyone indefinitely via the game’s online store on Mog Station (as seen above).
Not only is the emote available ($7 USD per character), there’s also a brand new in-game housing meal item in the form of a “Pepperoni Pizza” smorgasbord, complete with sodas, wings, dipping sauces, and more. That item is $5 USD on the store, but you get not just one but 5 x Pepperoni Pizza items, which each can be used 10 times like other in-game housing meal items, and they provide some nice stat buffs (Direct Hit and Vitality) on the side. So you can host a legit pizza party at your in-game crib if you want, or just horde it all to yourself and have pizza buffs for days.
Like any other item on the Mog Station’s Official Store, simply add what you want to your online cart and then check out with your desired form of payment. Once it’s processed, the items should arrive via in-game Moogle Mail (simply look for a ‘Delivery Moogle’ NPC in one of the major cities) within 24 hours, but often less. Often simply re-logging in or running an instanced duty causes your purchased items show up, and you’ll know by a ‘ping’ sound and an envelope symbol at the top right of your screen.
The Mog Station is home to a huge variety of emotes, mounts, costume sets, dyes, and other items that can’t otherwise be obtained in-game. It’s the go-to for all FFXIV players, and you may very well find yourself stocking up on a good bundle of stuff for your character to use.
That concludes our guide for how to get the Pizza Emote in FFXIV. We hope you found this helpful, and let us know if you plan on picking this scrumptious item up.
Be sure to check out all of our other guides for Final Fantasy XIV, such as everything revealed during this year’s FFXIV FanFest London event.
Published: Nov 20, 2023 06:20 pm