Alongside the release of Title Update 5 for The Division 2 comes episode 1 of the post-launch content titled D.C. Outskirts: Expeditions. As the name suggests, the Expeditions are the headline new bit of content in the expansion. Here’s how to start the Camp White Oak & Manning National Zoo Expeditions in The Division 2’s D.C. Outskirts.
What Are Division 2 Expeditions?
Expeditions are a new PvE-type of mission that sees players embark to previously unexplored locations around D.C. Here, players will uncover more of the game’s lore, and take on unique puzzle-based challenges in order to complete the mission.
Additionally, the blog post diving more into Expeditions explains that these will also include “new collectibles, treasure rooms, environmental puzzles, unique boss mechanics, and more…” Essentially, they’re missions with more of a focus on The Division 2’s meaty story rather than simply the looter-shoot gameplay.
Each Expedition is broken down into three locations, each of which makes up a part of the Expedition overall and will be released one after the other on a week-by-week basis.
If you complete each of the three sections of each of the two new expeditions added in as part of the D.C. Outskirts expansion, you will gain access to an “exclusive treasure room full of rewards.”
How to Start Division 2’s D.C. Outskirts Expeditions
There are currently two Expeditions that players can try out in The Division 2, though the first one we’re going to talk about, Camp White Oak, does have a few requirements which, depending on how much you’ve played the game, might hold you back from diving into right away.
How to Start Camp White Oak Expedition (Requirements)
To start the Camp White Oak one, you’ll first need to have reached World Tier 5 in the game’s end game, and have also completed Tidal Basin. Once you’ve done this, you need to head to the Helicopter Pilot outside of the Base of Operations (The White House) to unlock the Expedition site.
There’s also an option to simply fast travel to the new mission marker showing on your HUD via the map by pressing the touchpad on PS4 or the View button on Xbox One.
How to Start Manning National Zoo Expedition in Division 2
To start the Manning National Zoo Expedition in The Division 2, you’ll need to head to the same Helicopter Pilot outside of the Base of Operations. However, it’s worth noting that you won’t need to have completed Tidal Basin or have reached World Tier 5 to access this one.
That’s everything you need to know about how to start Expeditions in The Division 2. For more tips, tricks, and guides, be sure to check out our ever-expanding guide wiki, or check out more of our guides down below.
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Published: Jul 23, 2019 09:24 am