Building your character in Arcane Odyssey is as intricate as theory-crafting in Path of Exile. You have to combine different accessories, armor, enchants, and modifiers, all in an effort to min-max your character as far as possible. However, the first big choice you’ll have to make is to choose which magic you’ll use. To learn what the best ones are, continue to our ultimate Arcane Odyssey magic tier list.
Arcane Odyssey Magic Tier List – Best Magics

I tried to make the tier list as accurate as possible, taking into account all the synergies that each magic has and how well they work for stat builds that can wield more than one magic. Still, don’t take it as a rule of thumb since you can make literally any magic OP if you know how to play it. Ultimately, using what you think is most cool might be better than using what’s “meta.”
Also, note that the primary ranking factor was how good magics were on their own, so magics that are used as secondaries are mostly on the bottom. Still, they are a very solid pick if you play a class that can use the benefits of secondary magic or use it together with fighting styles.
S Tier Arcane Odyssey Magic
- Shadow — Shadow has no synergies, but that really doesn’t matter, as it works on its own on all spellcasting builds, especially on Mage. All of its stats are simply good. I use it with something that has a DoT, like Magma, Fire, or Glass, but you can use it with anything, really.
- Light — Some might disagree with me, but there is nothing more obnoxious than fighting a full attack-speed Light Mage. You can be basically perma-blinded. It works well on Conjurer, too. It only synergizes with Crystal, but you can use any DoT you like instead.
- Explosion — Explosion is a really solid offensive magic. It has huge size, good damage, and synergizes well with most heat and area denial magics. I think self-explosions work better than placed, but it’s really a personal preference.
- Magma — Magma is good with literally any build and has excellent synergies with Fire, Ash, Metal, and Glass. It is slow, though, but it more than compensates for that with its other stats and clashing advantages. Also, it clears the most status effects of all magics in the game.
A Tier Arcane Odyssey Magic
- Plasma — Plasma is a jack of all trades. It’s fast, applies a DoT, clears several status effects, and has clashing advantages against many elements. You can make it work on basically any build. Fighting styles work well with it, too.
- Lightning — Lightning is a solid choice for literally any build in AO, but its synergies for Mage are kind of meh. The best one is probably Glass. It’s fast, fun to play, and can even paralyze enemies.
- Fire — Fire has great DoT damage, it’s fast, and it has AoE. Plus, it synergizes well with almost all other non-cold magics. Virtually any build can use it effectively.
- Acid — Acid works best for Conjurers and has many synergies if you want to use it on a Mage. The speed, size, and damage are all solid, making this magic very well-rounded.
B Tier Arcane Odyssey Magic
- Poison — Poison is arguably the best magic for Conjurers in Arcane Odyssey because of its really strong DoT effect. However, I don’t see it in many other builds.
- Glass — Glass combined with Acid makes for a really strong Mage build for PvP. It doesn’t even have to be Acid, as any big magic like Fire, Magma, etc. can work. It’s also, pretty good for Conjurers.
- Snow — If you are using it on Conjurer/Mage, Snow is a great magic. It synergizes well with Wind, Water, and Ice. However, I rarely see it in that many different builds, and because of its lack of versatility, I don’t think it deserves a higher ranking.
- Ice — Having Ice and Snow in the same tier just makes sense. Ice is more versatile but a bit worse on its own. Also, it allows you to make solid ground in PvP above water, which can really come in clutch.
- Metal — Metal’s strong points are AoE and damage. It works well for both Paladins and Conjurers, and it has synergies if you want to use it on a Mage. However, I don’t think it’s really meta for PvP right now.
C Tier Arcane Odyssey Magic
- Crystal — Crystal is solid as a standalone magic, but it doesn’t synergize well with many others. Metal works well with it, from my experience, but that’s it.
- Ash — Ash’s primary function is area denial. It has very good synergies with all heat-based magics, but on its own, it is literally the worst magic in Arcane Odyssey. Use it only as a secondary or with Thermo Fist, and you’ll be golden.
- Earth — Earth is mainly used with Fighting Styles but is also good for Conjurers. It has high very high damage. However, its other stats and uses are limited.
- Water — I think Water is fairly underwhelming, relying on synergies and being used defensively. As far as I know, Paladins use it mainly, and Mages with Lightning, Ice, and Snow.
D Tier Arcane Odyssey Magic
- Wind — Wind is okay as a secondary magic, but on its own, is virtually useless in PvP. The synergies are kind of meh also.
- Wood — Even though it has a cult following, I think Wood is pretty mid overall. It has very few uses in strong builds, the notable exemption being the Wood Conjurer.
- Sand — Sand is so bad I almost forgot it existed. The only reason you would pick it up is as a secondary because of its synergy with bleeds.
Now that you’ve gone through the tier list and learned how different magic perform in Arcane Odyssey, building your character should be much easier. For more Roblox tier lists, including ones for Anime Defenders and A Hero’s Destiny, be sure to bookmark the Roblox hub on Twinfinite.
Published: Jun 26, 2024 05:37 am