The Battle Pass is great and all, but if you really want to get your hands on every cosmetic item Fortnite has to offer, then you may want to consider being part of the Crew. Here’s a rundown of all skins and cosmetics you get in Fortnite’s December 2023 Crew Pack.
All Cosmetic Items in Fortnite Crew Pack (December 2023)
As usual, the Fortnite Crew Pack for this month will set you back $11.99. This is considered a monthly subscription separate from the Battle Pass, which can be purchase with the V-Bucks you’ve accrued from playing the game.
Each month, you’ll get access to various variants, items, and skins via the Crew Pack. For December 2023, here’s a look at all the cosmetics you’ll get, courtesy of leaker iFireMonkey:
- Expert’s Bonebag (Elysian Legacy)
- Expert’s Bonebag (Auric Legacy)
- Expert’s Bonebag (Phase Legacy)
- Expert’s Bonebag (Rimebound Legacy)
- Expert’s Bonebag (Cosmic Legacy)
- Skull Scout (Elysian Legacy)
- Skull Scout (Auric Legacy)
- Skull Scout (Phase Legacy)
- Skull Scout (Rimebound Legacy)
- Skull Scout (Cosmic Legacy)
- Reconner’s Reckoning (Elysian Legacy)
- Reconner’s Reckoning (Auric Legacy)
- Reconner’s Reckoning (Phase Legacy)
- Reconner’s Reckoning (Rimebound Legacy)
- Reconner’s Reckoning (Cosmic Legacy)

To subscribe to get the Crew Pack, you’ll need to go through the Battle Pass tab or the item shop in Fortnite itself. All cosmetic items included in the Crew Pack are exclusive to Crew members and cannot be obtained via any other method, and it’s unlikely that Epic will ever make them available again in the future if you happen to miss a month.
That being said, as is the case with all of Fortnite’s cosmetics, you certainly don’t need the Crew Pack to advance or level up faster in the game, and it’s purely for players who like collecting skins and variants.
That’s all you need to know about what’s included in Fortnite’s December 2023 Crew Pack. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game, including how to find all Driftboard locations.
Published: Nov 16, 2023 05:37 am