The FTAC Siege remains one of the most in demand weapons in Warzone thanks to its damage, fire-rate and ease of use, with the extraction mode no exception. Here’s how to get it in DMZ.
Unlocking the FTAC Siege in DMZ
Like a lot of keys, gear and weapons, there’s a few ways to get hold of the FTAC Siege in DMZ, with some far more reliable than others. It’s among the best pistols in Warzone, known for its high fire-rate, snappy swap speed and excellent damage.
Below, we’re taking you through the different methods of unlocking the FTAC Siege. We’ll also let you know which are the best and the most reliable way of acquiring it.
Complete the Al Mazrah’s Threat Mission
Easily the best method to get the FTAC Siege is to complete the Al Mazrah’s Threat mission in DMZ. A Tier 1 Mission for the Crown Faction, there’s only one objective players need to complete. It is:
- Kill 7 AQ soldiers within 10 seconds of each kill.

AQ is just the organization that Al Mazrah’s bots belong to. Chances are if you kill an enemy AI on the original DMZ exclusion zone, it’ll be an AQ soldier. All you need to do is find a large group of them at a fairly busy POI and get to slaying.
We recommend finding Level One bots because they’ll be much easier to get through – and put up less of a fight as you do so.
You’ll know you’re on the right tracks when you receive the in-game mission prompts that tell you you’re completing the objectives. We also received a timer on screen that let us know how long we had to chain eliminations together. Because of the proximity of AQ bots we chose, it was easy to chain 7 together.
You should be able to complete the mission in one deployment. Doing so will reward players with 5,000 XP and the FTAC Siege. Just exfil after the challenge is done and it’ll be waiting for you among your Contraband.

Loot It and Extract
This is the same for the FTAC Siege as it is for other unlockable weapons, like the M13B. If you have a friend who has the Siege, deploy into any exfil zone with them. Get them to drop it, pick it up and exfil with it in your arsenal. This’ll unlock it for you moving forwards.
There’s also the chance you find one on an enemy or a bot (we haven’t on a bot just yet). Store it in your backpack and extract with it.
Unlock It In MW2 and Transfer It Over
The FTAC Siege was added to Modern Warfare 2 post-launch. That means it’s not just given to players (unless they purchased a bundle that included it), but has to be earned. We have a full FTAC Siege unlock guide if you’re struggling.
For most, and in short, it’s a case of getting 50 hip-fire kills with a handgun. Drop into a busy hardcore mode on a small map and these should come fairly easily. Once you’ve unlocked it you can access it in DMZ by transferring it to an insured weapon slot.
Those are all the ways to get the FTAC Siege pistol in Warzone DMZ. We undoubtedly favor the first method. It’s the easiest, fastest and guarantees the weapon you want. Just be warned – dying with it does mean it’ll be permanently gone, but that’s part of the fun that is DMZ!
Published: Jul 13, 2023 04:47 am