As reported earlier this week, Techland is already rolling out the first DLC for its most recent open-world RPG. It’s called the Authority Pack and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s themed around the Peacekeepers. The DLC will include both an armor and weapon distinctly different from what you would find typically laying about Villedor. Here’s how to get the Authority Pack axe and clothes free DLC in Dying Light 2.
How to Get Authority Pack Axe & Clothes Free DLC in Dying Light 2
The Authority Pack is set to release in three different parts, starting with the Chestpiece, Joggers, and Sneakers. This will be followed by Headgear, Bracers, and Gloves in part two. Lastly, players can get their hands on a threatening weapon for the third part.
Only Part 1 is available now. Here’s how to get it:
- Go to Techland’s official website, then ‘Events,’ and locate the Authority Pack DLC.
- Select the platform you would like to redeem the DLC for.
- You can then redeem the DLC for your platform by linking your account and adding it to your library. In the below example we opted for PlayStation.
- To actually get the Authority Pack in-game, you simply need to visit a Safe House and check Aiden’s stash.
It should be inside waiting for you to equip once it has been successfully redeemed.
The second part of the Authority Pack is due to launch tomorrow, and it will require the same process as Part 1 to redeem.
For now, that’s everything you need to know regarding how to get the Authority Pack axe and clothes free DLC in Dying Light 2. For more tips, tricks, and guides, head over to our upcoming wiki, search for Twinfinite, or see more of our coverage on the game below.
If you have a specific question that you can’t find answered on the website, do feel free to reach out in the comment section below and we’ll do our best to help.
Published: Feb 15, 2022 4:36 PM UTC