In Monster Hunter Rise, your Hunter Rank indicates just how powerful you are. At the very beginning, you’ll have a Hunter Rank of 1. However, as you continue to progress through the game, you’ll get stronger and improve this. In this guide, we’ll run you through what the Monster Hunter Rise max Hunter Rank is, also known as the max level cap.
What the Max Hunter Rank Is in Monster Hunter Rise
The max Hunter Rank is currently set to Hunter Rank 7. However, a free April update due to release in the coming weeks will remove the current Hunter Rank cap and add more monsters into the game for players to grind out.
Once the current HR cap has been lifted, the max Hunter Rank will be 999. That’s a lot of grinding out you’ll need to do if you want to reach the max level cap in the game.
This has been the maximum rank players can achieve in previous Monster Hunter titles, and so we’d be surprised if Capcom opted to change this, given the huge amount of replayability such a high max level cap offers.
In the meantime, be sure to check out our tips on how to increase Hunter Rank fast in Monster Hunter Rise. This will enable you to quickly hit the max level cap currently set in the game, and give you a good head start for the grind towards 999.
That’s everything you need to know regarding the Monster Hunter Rise max Hunter Rank. For more tips, tricks and guides, head on over to our guide wiki, search for Twinfinite, or check out more of our coverage on the game below.
Published: Mar 29, 2021 10:43 AM UTC