Due to how poor the floor loot generally is in Call of Duty’s Warzone mode, getting your custom loadout is the first priority when you drop into Verdansk. Not only do you get access to your favorite weapons, but they give you perks that can be the upper hand you need to get the win. So that you can hide yourself from other players, here’s everything you need to know about how to use the Ghost perk in Call of Duty Warzone.
What the Ghost perk does is make you invisible to UAVs, radar drones, and heartbeat sensors, making it easier for you to sneak up on enemies undetected.
How to Use Ghost Perk in Warzone
First things first, you can only get the Ghost Perk from loadout drops. You can buy those for $10,000 during a match, or find one of the two that will drop throughout the match.
However, to get the Ghost part as part of a loadout you collect, you’ll first have to set it as one of your chosen perks. Ghost goes into the perk 2 slot and choosing it means you cannot use the popular Overkill perk.
Overkill allows you to carry two primary weapons in your class. If you want a sniper and an assault rifle, you need to have Overkill set as your Perk 2 option, which in turn means you cannot use Ghost.
To set Ghost, head to the loadouts section of the Warzone lobby menu and choose the loadout you’re likely to use in a match. Then, head down to the Perks section and press R1/RB to cycle across to the middle one. Then, scroll down and select Ghost, at which point a satellite with a cross through it will appear in the perk select section at the top and in a loadout.
You will then be able to head into a match safe in the knowledge that you’ll be pretty hidden from anyone using heartbeat sensors or UAVs.
That’s everything you need to know about how to use the Ghost perk in Call of Duty Warzone. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite or check out our wiki guide.
Published: May 11, 2020 12:31 pm