Today Square Enix introduced the new Dragon Quest Walk mobile game but the developer had something to share about other games as well.
Executive Producer Yuu Miyake, who oversees the franchise, walked on stage during the presentation livestream and provided an overview of the upcoming releases in the series. He mentioned the upcoming Dragon Quest: Your Story movie, Dragon Quest XI S for Nintendo Switch, and the upcoming expansion for Dragon Quest X.
After that, Miyake-san mentioned that everyone probably is wondering about Dragon Quest XII, and he is currently working on preparations with series creator Yuji Horii. While it’ll be a bit further ahead, he would like to announce it in some form. They’re currently considering what to do, so he encouraged the fans to wait for a while longer.
No further details or hints were provided, but at least fans now know that there is more on the horizon, even if it’ll likely be a while before we see or even hear something concrete.
It’ll be certainly interesting to see what the developers have in store. Dragon Quest XI is absolutely excellent, and will likely improve further Dragon Quest XI S. Of course, as soon as something is announced, you’ll be able to read it here on Twinfinite, but for now, we wait.
Published: Jun 3, 2019 8:01 AM UTC