In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, there are numerous Shrines scattered across the land of Hyrule for you to discover during your exploration and adventures. Within these Shrines are a series of puzzles which can usually be solved by using Link’s abilities, Zonai Devices, or a mixture of both. Each time you clear a Shrine, you will receive a Blessing of Light which can be used to increase Link’s max health and stamina. If you’re stuck with Joju-u-u Shrine, we’ve got all the information you’ll need to make it to the end and mark it as complete. Here’s everything you need to know about how to solve the Joju-u-u Shrine puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
How to Solve the Joju-u-u Shrine Puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Joju-u-u Shrine contains puzzles that revolve around using Link’s abilities with certain objects and materials to create bridges, allowing you to pass to new areas that you were previously unable to reach.
Once you’ve loaded into the Shrine, step forward and head into the first room. You will see a bridge in this room, so go ahead and run across it.
As you reach this next platform, turn to your right. You will notice that the bridge to the other side is broken. Use your Ultrahand ability to pick it up and grab it by the last section. Use this last section of the bridge panel to attach it to the other side with Ultrahand, and then release. It should stick to the other side and hold steady, allowing you to cross.
This next section has a bridge with a similar issue, so jump down and activate your Ultrahand ability. You will need to move the bridge and stick it to the other side with a slope to keep it holding itself up, so attaching by the panel third from the edge should do the trick. Your bridge should look like this if done correctly:
Run across your bridge to the middle section and jump off. Now, follow the stairs up and cross the bridge to the next section of platform. As you reach this bridge, jump down to the section below where the bridge is laying on the ground.
This bridge doesn’t have an area to connect it to the other side, so instead you’ll need to walk up the brown ramp and locate the cube-shaped slab of rock.
Grab this rock with Link’s Ultrahand ability, and move it back to the location of the fallen bridge. Now, attach it to the end of the bridge to use as a weight. Climb back up the ladders and grab the bridge with Link’s Ultrahand. Next, move the bridge along and hook it over a nearby pole.
The rock will be enough weight to balance the bridge out, allowing you to pass safely to the other side. Go ahead and run over this bridge, and you will approach the end of the Shrine.
However, located above on a platform to the left is a chest. To make your way over to this chest, you will need to use Ultrahand to pick up the center section of the final bridge in front of you. Raise this bridge up, and connect it to the section of platform on the front of the ledge.
Head on up and open the chest to receive 1x Large Zonaite, a powerful fuse item that you can use to aid yourself in combat.
Now, jump back down and continue crossing the bridge to the end of the Shrine to mark the puzzle as cleared. You will now receive your Light of Blessing and return back to the open world of Hyrule to start your next quest or adventure.
That’s everything you need to know about how to solve the Joju-u-u Shrine puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. For more helpful gameplay guides, news, and lists, check out the rest of our content here at Twinfinite. We have a wide variety of Zelda topics covering everything you’ll need to assist you on your Tears of the Kingdom adventure, so feel free to scroll down and look through our related links below for more help.
Published: May 15, 2023 06:44 am